Received anonymously: At the end of August in the south of Poland, the antispeciesist activists sabotaged hunting tower. Hunting is not a sport, not a hobby, but only a murder authorized by the Polish state. ALF Silesia
Tag: Animal Liberation Front
Aug 24
German Hunters Targeted
According to local press, hunters in Roth are under a constant campaign of sabotage that is making them stop enjoying going out to shoot animals. Tyres have been slashed, wildlife cameras stolen or broken, dog shit smeared over the towers and seats as well as sabotage of the hunting cabins and ladders. A camera trap …
Aug 24
German Hunters Targeted
According to local press, hunters in Roth are under a constant campaign of sabotage that is making them stop enjoying going out to shoot animals. Tyres have been slashed, wildlife cameras stolen or broken, dog shit smeared over the towers and seats as well as sabotage of the hunting cabins and ladders. A camera trap …
Aug 12
Dog Training Facility for Hunters Raided by ALF, Quail Released (Italy)
According to the president of the dog training facility, the ALF entered the buildings over night, leaving messages on the walls and destroying chairs and tables with an axe. The small kitchen and bar were also destroyed, and the fencing nets and cages sabotaged, releasing about a hundred quails used to train dogs into the …
Aug 12
Dog Training Facility for Hunters Raided by ALF, Quail Released (Italy)
According to the president of the dog training facility, the ALF entered the buildings over night, leaving messages on the walls and destroying chairs and tables with an axe. The small kitchen and bar were also destroyed, and the fencing nets and cages sabotaged, releasing about a hundred quails used to train dogs into the …
Aug 10
Hunting Towers Destroyed (France)
Received anonymously (see above, or click here to view video): At the end of July, in France, we antispeciesist activists searched for and found hunting towers in a forest. Most of them we found were already broken, well done to the activists who passed by! It’s nice to know that we’re not alone in motivating ourselves and …
Aug 10
Hunting Towers Destroyed (France)
Received anonymously (see above, or click here to view video): At the end of July, in France, we antispeciesist activists searched for and found hunting towers in a forest. Most of them we found were already broken, well done to the activists who passed by! It’s nice to know that we’re not alone in motivating ourselves and …
Aug 05
ALF Liberates Magpie, Destroys Trap (UK)
Received anonymously: Well, well, well…….hello there what a quaint little tree house you rent out, what lovely grounds you have……..whats this, we can write a review? Excellent news….. Filthy scum pieces of shit keep a Larsen trap neatly tucked out of sight, not from us……magpie released then its smashy smashy mudderfuckerz! Dont forget to …
Aug 02
Magpie Liberated, Traps Destroyed by ALF (Italy)
Received anonymously: ENG: The ALF destroys a larsen trap and releases a magpie in Italy. A second trap was also destroyed and it will not be the last because we are everywhere. We have run out of patience, the traps are just the begining. SPA: EL Frente de Liberación Animal destruye una trampa larsen y …
Aug 02
Magpie Liberated, Traps Destroyed by ALF (Italy)
Received anonymously: ENG: The ALF destroys a larsen trap and releases a magpie in Italy. A second trap was also destroyed and it will not be the last because we are everywhere. We have run out of patience, the traps are just the begining. SPA: EL Frente de Liberación Animal destruye una trampa larsen y …
Jul 18
ALF Liberates More than 400 Guinea Pigs in Solidarity with MBR Beagles (England, UK)
Received anonymously: In January we read an ALF report about a salamander liberation at a UK pet breeder who was selling animals to vivisection laboratories and it peaked our interest. By chance we stumbled upon an animal delivery at a local Pets At Home. Sticky fingers helped us collect an invoice from the front of …
Jul 18
ALF Liberates More than 400 Guinea Pigs in Solidarity with MBR Beagles (England, UK)
Received anonymously: In January we read an ALF report about a salamander liberation at a UK pet breeder who was selling animals to vivisection laboratories and it peaked our interest. By chance we stumbled upon an animal delivery at a local Pets At Home. Sticky fingers helped us collect an invoice from the front of …