Received anonymously: In the early hours of Thursday 14th April a group of activists liberated 4 turkeys from their intensive factory farm. Too long has this area in Leicestershire remained untouched and able to get away with their abuse, so in the early hours a plan was formulated to enter one of their many farms …
Tag: Animal Liberation Front
May 09
ALF Liberates 4 Turkeys (UK)
Received anonymously: In the early hours of Thursday 14th April a group of activists liberated 4 turkeys from their intensive factory farm. Too long has this area in Leicestershire remained untouched and able to get away with their abuse, so in the early hours a plan was formulated to enter one of their many farms …
Apr 30
ALF Smashes Bristol Butcher’s Windows Again (UK)
Received anonymously: Bristol Butcher Bashing! In the early hours of wednesday the 27th of april we visited sandy park butchers in Brislington,BRISTOL. A attempt was made to smash both front windows. We know one shattered nicely but are unsure how badly the other was damaged. We had made a bit of noise and were feeling …
Apr 30
ALF Smashes Bristol Butcher’s Windows Again (UK)
Received anonymously: Bristol Butcher Bashing! In the early hours of wednesday the 27th of april we visited sandy park butchers in Brislington,BRISTOL. A attempt was made to smash both front windows. We know one shattered nicely but are unsure how badly the other was damaged. We had made a bit of noise and were feeling …
Apr 30
ALF Sabotage 6 Hunting Towers (Ontario, Canada)
Received anonymously: After a 5 km walk, we take a break in the bush, impatient, waiting for the sun to set. Tonight, we are finally gonna knock down some hunting towers we had previously spotted from the road in the country. We hope to send a clear message to the animal killers and inspire our …
Apr 30
ALF Sabotage 6 Hunting Towers (Ontario, Canada)
Received anonymously: After a 5 km walk, we take a break in the bush, impatient, waiting for the sun to set. Tonight, we are finally gonna knock down some hunting towers we had previously spotted from the road in the country. We hope to send a clear message to the animal killers and inspire our …
Apr 21
Eco-activist and former international fugitive Joseph Dibee pleads guilty in 1997 Oregon arson
By Conrad Wilson (OPB) Prosecutors say Dibee was a member of the Earth Liberation Front and Animal Liberation Front, which the U.S. Department of Justice has held responsible for acts of domestic terrorism. An environmental and animal rights activist pleaded guilty Thursday to decades-old federal arson charges, including involvement in a 1997 central Oregon fire that destroyed …
Apr 20
Lessons of radical activism from the animal rights movement
Opinion Piece By Dusan Pajovic DiEM25.orgActivism Animal Rights Dusan Pajovic takes a look at some of the methods used by the animal rights movement and whether they could be applied to other activist causes The Animal Rights (AR) movement is one of the fastest growing social justice movements in history. There are now a number of groups …
Apr 19
The Animal Rights Militia (Anonymous Submission)
After the Animal Rights Militia sent a communique threatening those involved in the badger cull in Ireland, some people had questions. Many of those questions require a lot of nuances to be answered, but a reader decided to send over a little overview of who the Animal Rights Militia is, which you can read in …