Tag: ALF

ALF Liberates 11 Hens in Memory of Regan Russell (Belgium)

Received anonymously: in the night.20.06.2021 belgium the A.L.F. save 11 hens from the intensive farm .. in memory of Regan Russell…

ALF Liberates 11 Hens in Memory of Regan Russell (Belgium)

Received anonymously: in the night.20.06.2021 belgium the A.L.F. save 11 hens from the intensive farm .. in memory of Regan Russell…

Russian ALF Destroys Hunting Towers and Bird Traps

Received anonymously: Hunting towers and bird traps destroyed. 2 hunting towers toppled, 1 concealed firing position on the ground destroyed, 2 bird traps and 2 land traps removed in Southern Crimea in a series of day-time raids. – ALF-Russia.

ALF Liberates Rabbits from Breeder (Kent, UK)

Received anonymously: The pet industry have exploited this pandemic like they exploit the animals they sell. Bored and thoughtless people have demanded pets for their entertainment and the breeders have been happy to supply them. During Easter, the objectification of rabbits as things to buy or give as presents increases exponentially, so we thought to …

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ALF Liberates Rabbits from Breeder (Kent, UK)

Received anonymously: The pet industry have exploited this pandemic like they exploit the animals they sell. Bored and thoughtless people have demanded pets for their entertainment and the breeders have been happy to supply them. During Easter, the objectification of rabbits as things to buy or give as presents increases exponentially, so we thought to …

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ALF Liberates 85 Quail from Intensive Farm (UK)

Received anonymously: We had never seen an intensive bird farm as disgusting as this. Birds shitting on each other whilst standing on wire mesh, a suffocating smell that we will not forget and cages so small the birds could barely stand. The door proved to be easier than we thought. The lock took some convincing …

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ALF Liberates 85 Quail from Intensive Farm (UK)

Received anonymously: We had never seen an intensive bird farm as disgusting as this. Birds shitting on each other whilst standing on wire mesh, a suffocating smell that we will not forget and cages so small the birds could barely stand. The door proved to be easier than we thought. The lock took some convincing …

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ALF Liberates Orphaned Lamb in Memory of Comrade Rob Ennis (UK)

Received anonymously: Found alone, confused and in bad health. Liberated from certain death by 1 member of the ALF. Now safe for life. Never to be exploited, murdered and eaten! This action is dedicated to our comrade Rob Ennis who sadly passed away recently.

ALF Liberates Orphaned Lamb in Memory of Comrade Rob Ennis (UK)

Received anonymously: Found alone, confused and in bad health. Liberated from certain death by 1 member of the ALF. Now safe for life. Never to be exploited, murdered and eaten! This action is dedicated to our comrade Rob Ennis who sadly passed away recently.

Butcher’s Windows Broken by ALF in Brighton (UK)

Received anonymously: We decided to visit some local points of interest during our holiday to the seaside. This butcher shop took a couple of hits last year so we wanted to join the party even if we were pretty late to it. If hacking animals’ bodies to pieces isn’t bad enough, the owners of this …

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Butcher’s Windows Broken by ALF in Brighton (UK)

Received anonymously: We decided to visit some local points of interest during our holiday to the seaside. This butcher shop took a couple of hits last year so we wanted to join the party even if we were pretty late to it. If hacking animals’ bodies to pieces isn’t bad enough, the owners of this …

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4 Hunting Towers Destroyed by ALF (Germany)

Received anonymously: They become higher, have concrete foundations and metal anchors. yet they fall 4 hunting towers destroyed  

4 Hunting Towers Destroyed by ALF (Germany)

Received anonymously: They become higher, have concrete foundations and metal anchors. yet they fall 4 hunting towers destroyed  

Hunting Towers Destroyed by ALF in Serbia

Received anonymously: On the night of May 14-15 in Serbia, ALF activists destroyed two hunting towers and damaged two more. It is a great honor to be part of the global ALF team. For freedom – for justice – for peace

Hunting Towers Destroyed by ALF in Serbia

Received anonymously: On the night of May 14-15 in Serbia, ALF activists destroyed two hunting towers and damaged two more. It is a great honor to be part of the global ALF team. For freedom – for justice – for peace