Tag: ALF

ALF Sabotages 10 Hunting Towers, Smash Cameras in Solidarity with MBR Beagles (Sweden)

Received anonymously: In midsummer time the sun never goes down over so called Sweden. At night the ALF swarmed in the woods and sabotaged 10 hunting towers and smashed hunting cameras. We destroyed that which destroys. No rest for the wicked. Solidarity With Animal Freedom Movement. Shut Down MBR Acres. Free The MBR Beagles. Until …

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ALF Destroys 29 Hunting Towers (Belgium)

Received anonymously: Belgium 10.06.2022 The A.L.F. sabotages 29 hunting towers and saves Wildlife

ALF Destroys 29 Hunting Towers (Belgium)

Received anonymously: Belgium 10.06.2022 The A.L.F. sabotages 29 hunting towers and saves Wildlife

ALF Sabotages 26 Hunting Towers (Belgium)

Received anonymously: 20.05.2022 Belgium The A.L.F. sabotages 26 hunting towers and saves Wildlife

ALF Sabotages 26 Hunting Towers (Belgium)

Received anonymously: 20.05.2022 Belgium The A.L.F. sabotages 26 hunting towers and saves Wildlife

ALF Liberates 12 Chickens (Belgium)

Received anonymously: Love Is Liberation Belgium 22.05.2022. The A.L.F. have Save 12 chickens from the intensive farm

ALF Liberates 12 Chickens (Belgium)

Received anonymously: Love Is Liberation Belgium 22.05.2022. The A.L.F. have Save 12 chickens from the intensive farm

ALF Trash Hunting Lodge (France)

Received anonymously: English: In the south of France, ALF members broke into a hunting lodge where animals are murdered, hung by their legs and butchered as if their lives were worthless. The premises were heavily damaged, furniture, beds, oven, water supply; we tagged on the walls inside and outside. We smashed the alcohol bottles… Yes, …

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ALF Trash Hunting Lodge (France)

Received anonymously: English: In the south of France, ALF members broke into a hunting lodge where animals are murdered, hung by their legs and butchered as if their lives were worthless. The premises were heavily damaged, furniture, beds, oven, water supply; we tagged on the walls inside and outside. We smashed the alcohol bottles… Yes, …

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ALF Sabotages 13 Hunting Towers (Netherlands)

Received anonymously: Netherlands.13.05.2022 The A.L.F. sabotages 13 hunting towers and saves Wildlife

ALF Sabotages 13 Hunting Towers (Netherlands)

Received anonymously: Netherlands.13.05.2022 The A.L.F. sabotages 13 hunting towers and saves Wildlife

ALF Liberate 12 Chickens (Luxembourg)

Received anonymously: Luxemburg The A.L.F. save 12 chickens from hell on an intensive farm

ALF Liberate 12 Chickens (Luxembourg)

Received anonymously: Luxemburg The A.L.F. save 12 chickens from hell on an intensive farm

ALF Liberates 4 Turkeys (UK)

Received anonymously: In the early hours of Thursday 14th April a group of activists liberated 4 turkeys from their intensive factory farm. Too long has this area in Leicestershire remained untouched and able to get away with their abuse, so in the early hours a plan was formulated to enter one of their many farms …

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ALF Liberates 4 Turkeys (UK)

Received anonymously: In the early hours of Thursday 14th April a group of activists liberated 4 turkeys from their intensive factory farm. Too long has this area in Leicestershire remained untouched and able to get away with their abuse, so in the early hours a plan was formulated to enter one of their many farms …

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