Tag: ALF

ALF Sabotage Pheasant Pens (Norfolk, UK)

Received anonymously: The ALF strikes again, sabotaging two huge pheasant release pens in the Norfolk countryside. Car batteries and electric wiring removed and cut, mesh torn away, anti fox grates and pop holes destroyed. Trail left to give the birds the best chance of getting to safety. See it, sab it, save them 👊🏼

ALF Sabotage Pheasant Pens (Norfolk, UK)

Received anonymously: The ALF strikes again, sabotaging two huge pheasant release pens in the Norfolk countryside. Car batteries and electric wiring removed and cut, mesh torn away, anti fox grates and pop holes destroyed. Trail left to give the birds the best chance of getting to safety. See it, sab it, save them 👊🏼

ALF Destroys Hunting Centre, Liberates 22 Quail (Bergamo Italy)

Via: Frente De Liberación Animal ENG: On the night of the 23rd, the ALF attacked a training centre owned by the hunting federation in Bergamo. They broke cages and liberated 22 quails. The training centre was completely destroyed. SP: «En la noche del 23 al 24 de agosto, el Frente de Liberación Animal asaltó el centro …

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ALF Destroys Hunting Centre, Liberates 22 Quail (Bergamo Italy)

Via: Frente De Liberación Animal ENG: On the night of the 23rd, the ALF attacked a training centre owned by the hunting federation in Bergamo. They broke cages and liberated 22 quails. The training centre was completely destroyed. SP: «En la noche del 23 al 24 de agosto, el Frente de Liberación Animal asaltó el centro …

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ALF Liberates 50 Captive Birds (Norfolk, UK)

Received anonymously: The ALF recently liberated around 50 “game” birds being held in a release pen in Norfolk. These sentient earthlings were imprisoned during a 32oc heatwave, waiting for a sad bunch of wankers to show up with their big guns and inferiority complexes. Activists cleared the pen and watched the birds reclaim their stolen …

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ALF Liberates 50 Captive Birds (Norfolk, UK)

Received anonymously: The ALF recently liberated around 50 “game” birds being held in a release pen in Norfolk. These sentient earthlings were imprisoned during a 32oc heatwave, waiting for a sad bunch of wankers to show up with their big guns and inferiority complexes. Activists cleared the pen and watched the birds reclaim their stolen …

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ALF Sabotages Hunting Premises, Again (Germany)

Wittingen Lower Saxony Germany. According to local media, the hunting premisses in Wittingen/Ostheide were destroyed once again after a whole year of repairs forced by sabotage actions last year. The premises are used to facilitate the hunting in the area as well as to house foxes in kennels. The ALF destroyed the fences and posts …

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ALF Sabotages Hunting Premises, Again (Germany)

Wittingen Lower Saxony Germany. According to local media, the hunting premisses in Wittingen/Ostheide were destroyed once again after a whole year of repairs forced by sabotage actions last year. The premises are used to facilitate the hunting in the area as well as to house foxes in kennels. The ALF destroyed the fences and posts …

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ALF Liberates 12 Chickens (Germany)

Received anonymously: August 23 in the night the A.L.F. B.Nl. and special guest from USA saves 12 chickens in Germany .direct action in 30 seconds can save lives …love is liberation .Until Every Cage Is Empty .

ALF Liberates 12 Chickens (Germany)

Received anonymously: August 23 in the night the A.L.F. B.Nl. and special guest from USA saves 12 chickens in Germany .direct action in 30 seconds can save lives …love is liberation .Until Every Cage Is Empty .

ALF Liberates 47 Hens (Netherlands)

Received anonymously: Netherlands The A.L.F. saves 47 brown hens from an intensive farm .

ALF Liberates 47 Hens (Netherlands)

Received anonymously: Netherlands The A.L.F. saves 47 brown hens from an intensive farm .

ALF Liberates 65 Hens (Luxembourg)

Received anonymously: Luxembourg 15 08 22 the A.L.F saves 65 hens from the intensive farm

ALF Liberates 65 Hens (Luxembourg)

Received anonymously: Luxembourg 15 08 22 the A.L.F saves 65 hens from the intensive farm

ALF Sabotage T and S Rabbits (Midlands, UK)

Received anonymously: NO PEACE FOR BUNNY KILLERS On 3rd August 2022 the ALF paid a visit to two of rabbit killing scum Phil Kerry’s sites. We wanted to send a message to Phil that his life will be made a misery for as long as he continues to imprison and kill rabbits. At his Granby …

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