Greetings friends! This is a new zine created by warzone distro that highlights the relationship between anarchy and animal liberation by highlighting attacks carried out past and present, as well as expressing a loving shout out to the atl forest defenders! Thank you! – they will never take us alive!
Aug 12
Animal Liberation Activists Spray 30 Anti-Speciesist Tags (Rennes, France)
Received anonymously: ENG: “Animals are people”, “fish are sentient” or “meat = murder” are ideas with which we wanted to mark the minds. We denounced the exploitation of animals in all its forms in front of shops and on squares where the message would be visible. We are talking about the thousands of billions of …
Aug 12
Animal Liberation Activists Spray 30 Anti-Speciesist Tags (Rennes, France)
Received anonymously: ENG: “Animals are people”, “fish are sentient” or “meat = murder” are ideas with which we wanted to mark the minds. We denounced the exploitation of animals in all its forms in front of shops and on squares where the message would be visible. We are talking about the thousands of billions of …
Aug 11
The Moral Atrocity of Factory Farming and Why We Must Not Look Away
Journalist Marina Bolotnikova argues that factory farming is a fascist industry in which violence and domination of animals is justified without argument. Current Affairs 11 August 2022 Current Affairs is proud to be a publication that takes animal rights seriously. From our lighthearted looks at manatees, ants, and cats, to our more serious pieces on the Orwellian language of the factory …
Aug 07
ALF Sabotage T and S Rabbits (Midlands, UK)
Received anonymously: NO PEACE FOR BUNNY KILLERS On 3rd August 2022 the ALF paid a visit to two of rabbit killing scum Phil Kerry’s sites. We wanted to send a message to Phil that his life will be made a misery for as long as he continues to imprison and kill rabbits. At his Granby …
Aug 07
ALF Sabotage T and S Rabbits (Midlands, UK)
Received anonymously: NO PEACE FOR BUNNY KILLERS On 3rd August 2022 the ALF paid a visit to two of rabbit killing scum Phil Kerry’s sites. We wanted to send a message to Phil that his life will be made a misery for as long as he continues to imprison and kill rabbits. At his Granby …
Aug 05
ALF Vandalize Hunters’ Building (Bollate, Italy)
According to local press, a hunting meet up and storage building belonging to the Italian Hunting Federation was vandalized by animal rights activists, who destroyed furniture, broke equipment and painted the walls with slogans like “You are the violent ones” and “ALF”. Silvia Scurati, the regional representative for the Hunting League said that the action …
Aug 05
ALF Vandalize Hunters’ Building (Bollate, Italy)
According to local press, a hunting meet up and storage building belonging to the Italian Hunting Federation was vandalized by animal rights activists, who destroyed furniture, broke equipment and painted the walls with slogans like “You are the violent ones” and “ALF”. Silvia Scurati, the regional representative for the Hunting League said that the action …
Aug 04
Animal Liberation Prisoner of the Month: Ladislav Kuc
Ladislav (Laco) Kuc is caged in the country of Slovakia for animal liberation activities a decade ago; he has only 17 months left to serve of a 12-year sentence for the attempted destruction of a McDonalds restaurant. Laco loves to get letters, as he is locked in his cell for 23 out of every 24 …