KFC Painted

Communiqué from ALF activists Date: October 24, 2008 Institution targeted: Mexico, KFC Received anonymously October 23: Activists from the Animal Liberation Front once again have prepared a gift for the speciesists; we spilled a nauseous substance on the walls, windows, entrances and floor of a KFC as well as painted a claim of action from …

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Burger King Set on Fire with Incendiary Device

Communiqué from ALF activists Date: October 21, 2008 Institution targeted: Burger King Received anonymously October 19: The Frente de Liberación Animal claims the arson attack against a Burger King. In the early hours of the date indicated an incendiary device was placed at one of the doors, and various slogans were painted. No respite for …

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ALF Targets UCLA Commuter Vans for it’s Vivisection

Communiqué from ALF activists Date: October 17, 2008 Institution targeted: UCLA Primate Vivisection Received anonymously There are roughly 12 (give or take a few, they’ll have to find the exact number) of those UCLA vans driving around with unfired shotgun shells in their mufflers. Some of them may have ignited with the warm weather that …

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More UCLA Vans Sabotaged; Primate Vivisection Must End

For Immediate Release October 20, 2008 Animal Liberationists Target UCLA Primate Vivisection Latest Sabotage Includes at Least 12 Commuter Vans Belonging to the University Los Angeles, CA: In an anonymous communiqué received by the North American Animal Liberation Press Office, animal liberationists claim to have sabotaged at least a dozen UCLA commuter vans as part …

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Pilgrim Pride Chicken Company Truck Set on Fire

Communiqué from ALF activists Date: October 20, 2008 Institution targeted: Pilgrim Pride Chicken Company Received anonymously Pilgrim’s Pride is an American company that profits more and more each year at the cost of the suffering and exploitation of non-human animals; maybe this company thought it was immune from radical attacks in Mexico but they were …

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1500 Mink released in Oregon

Communiqué from unknown activists Date: October 17, 2008 Institution targeted: Oregon Fur Farm Received anonymously In the early morning hours of October 17th, a lone activist infiltrated the fur farm at 92659 Simonsen Road in Astoria Oregon. About 1,500 mink were released from their cages with at least 200 of these being breeding stock. The …

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1500 More Captive Mink Liberated in Oregon; Seventh Mink Liberation Reported This Season

For Immediate Release October 17, 2008 Operation Bite Back II: 1500 More Captive Mink Released Raid on Oregon Fur Farm by Animal Liberationists is Seventh Since April Astoria, Oregon – According to a communique received by the North American Animal Liberation Press Office, 1500 captive mink were released last night from a fur farm on …

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KFC Painted

Communiqué from ALF activists Date: October 15, 2008 Institution targeted: Mexico, KFC Received anonymously October 14: A KFC was again targeted in Mexico State; its glass and walls appeared at dawn covered in paint. Action by the Frente de Liberación Animal. Faced with animal extermination, subversive and radical attacks! Spanish: 14 de Octubre: De nueva …

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Burger King Locks Glued Three Times in One Week

Communiqué from ALF activists Date: October 14, 2008 Institution targeted: Burger King Received anonymously A Burger King in California had all of their locks superglued three times in just one week. Gluing locks is essentially risk-free. It is quiet and takes only a few seconds. It costs the animal abusers hundreds of dollars in repairs …

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30 Shops Glued

Communiqué from Sticky Ones for Sabotage and Animal Liberation Date: October 11, 2008 Institution targeted: Shops Received anonymously October 9 With our hands and our hearts enraged by animal exploitation, today we glued the padlocks of 30 shops that profit from pain and suffering; this attack is claimed by the Sticky Ones for Sabotage and …

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Bachoco Poultry Company Painted, Tires Slashed

Communiqué from ALF activists Date: October 10, 2008 Institution targeted: Bachoco Poultry Company Received anonymously Mexico’s largest bird-killer received a visit from the Animal Liberation Front on the night of October 8th. Bachoco is its name; this life-destroying company not only takes advantage of enormous animal exploitation to make large amounts of money, but also …

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Animal Activists Continue to Mock New California Law; Fourth Illegal Direct Action in Week Since Passage

For Immediate Release October 9, 2008 New California Law Leads to Increased Underground Actions A Third Communique Received After AB 2296 is Signed by Governor Los Angeles CA:    In the third communique received by the North American Animal Liberation Press Office this week, animal activists have mocked the recent passage of the “Vivisector Protection” …

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Ten Pet Shops Glued

Communiqué from ALF activists Date: October 8, 2008 Institution targeted: Mexico, Pet Shops Received anonymously With a lot of glue and a desire to fuck with exploiters, the ALF went out again into the streets to demonstrate that the sabotage will continue, without end. This time 10 pet shops were sealed, recalling one of the …

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Liberationists Paint Strip Cars, Smash Vivisectors Windows at UCLA and UC Berkeley Days After Law Passed to “Protect” Animal Abusers

For Immediate Release October 6, 2008 Animal Liberationists Mock California Law AB 2296 Lab-Animal Abusers Targeted Days After Passage of Vivisector “Protection Act” Los Angeles and Berkeley, CA: In separate anonymous communiqués received today by the North American Animal Liberation Press Office, three underground attacks on animal researchers were claimed in reaction to the passing …

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Two UCLA Vans Sabotaged with Shotgun Shells

Communiqué from unknown activists Date: October 6, 2008 Institution targeted: UCLA Vivisection Received anonymously UCLA shame on you. With primates being the closest genetic relative that human beings have, that is they share over 90% of our genetic makeup, it is very reasonable to assume that in addition to DNA and similar molecules they also …

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