Communiqué from Unknown Activists Date: April 22, 2010 Institution Targeted: Hawai’i trappers Received anonymously: Animal Rights Hawai’i has received communiques regarding actions on various islands over the past months: 2 feral piglets released from trap- trap was destroyed. Several predator traps and marker flags were destroyed.
Apr 22
Institution Targeted: Hawai’i trappers
Communiqué from Unknown Activists Date: April 22, 2010 Institution Targeted: Hawai’i trappers Received anonymously: Animal Rights Hawai’i has received communiques regarding actions on various islands over the past months: 2 feral piglets released from trap- trap was destroyed. Several predator traps and marker flags were destroyed.
Apr 20
Restaurant Painted
Communiqué from the Animal Liberation Front Date: April 20, 2010 Institution Targeted: La Belle Auberge Restaurant Received anonymously: La Belle Auberge got a surprise anniversary present from the ALF. ‘FOIE GRAS SHAME’ painted on their door, and paint dumped on their sign. Drop foie gras! For the ducks and geese!
Apr 20
ALF Targeted: La Belle Auberge Restaurant
Communiqué from the Animal Liberation Front Date: April 20, 2010 Institution Targeted: La Belle Auberge Restaurant Received anonymously: La Belle Auberge got a surprise anniversary present from the ALF. ‘FOIE GRAS SHAME’ painted on their door, and paint dumped on their sign. Drop foie gras! For the ducks and geese!
Apr 18
Banamex Bank Targeted with Explosive Device
Communiqué from the Frente de Liberación Animal (Animal Liberation Front) Date: April 18, 2010 Institution Targeted: Banamex A few days before the fascist state of the evil Peña Nieto (Governor of Mexico State) would be providing new patrol cars, all-terrain vehicles, weapons, uniforms, etc. to the bastards of the State Security Agency (ASE), for …
Apr 18
Frente de Liberación Target Banamex
Communiqué from the Frente de Liberación Animal (Animal Liberation Front) Date: April 18, 2010 Institution Targeted: Banamex Received anonymously: A few days before the fascist state of the evil Peña Nieto (Governor of Mexico State) would be providing new patrol cars, all-terrain vehicles, weapons, uniforms, etc. to the bastards of the State Security Agency (ASE), …
Apr 12
Animal Abusers Painted
Communiqué from Unnamed Activists Date: April 12, 2010 Institutions Targeted: Fur, Leather Shops, Restaurant, Shrine Circus Received anonymously: In February, a downtown Pittsburgh, PA fur store was doused in red paint and their locks were glued. On April 10th, locks were again glued at this fur store as well as a fur and leather store …
Apr 12
Institutions Targeted: Fur, Leather Shops, Restaurant, Shrine Circus
Communiqué from Unnamed Activists Date: April 12, 2010 Institutions Targeted: Fur, Leather Shops, Restaurant, Shrine Circus Received anonymously: In February, a downtown Pittsburgh, PA fur store was doused in red paint and their locks were glued. On April 10th, locks were again glued at this fur store as well as a fur and leather store …
Apr 10
KFC Targeted with Bomb
Communiqué from the Frente de Liberacion Animal Date: April 10, 2010 Institution Targeted: Kentucky Fried Chicken Received anonymously: In the early hours of April 10 we placed two cans of butane gas with an explosive charge and a homemade fuse in one of the entrances of a Kentucky Fried Chicken in the commercial area of …
Apr 03
Animal Liberation Front Delivers Incendiary Devices to Four Utah Vivisectors Actions Dedicated to Jailed Animal Liberationist Prisoners
For Immediate Release Salt Lake City, UT: In an anonymous communique received by the Press Office yesterday, the Animal Liberation Front claims to have placed an incendiary devices at the homes of four University of Utah vivisectors, as well as vandalizing their homes and nearby vehicles. Robert H. Lane, Jennifer Ichida, Allesandra Angelucci and Paul …
Apr 03
ALF Targeted: Shepherd’s Egg Farm
Communiqué from the Animal Liberation Front Date: April 2, 2010 Institution Targeted: Shepherd’s Egg Farm Received anonymously: April 1st and 2nd – Spanish Fork, Utah In the late hours of April 1st and the early morning of April 2nd our cell liberated 72 hens from Shepherds Egg Farm near Spanish Fork, Utah. The hens are …
Apr 02
72 hens from Shepherds Egg Farm, UT
Communiqué from the Animal Liberation Front Date: April 2, 2010 Institution Targeted: Shepherd’s Egg Farm Received anonymously: April 1st and 2nd – Spanish Fork, Utah In the late hours of April 1st and the early morning of April 2nd our cell liberated 72 hens from Shepherds Egg Farm near Spanish Fork, Utah. The hens are …
Apr 01
ALF Delivers Incendiary Devices to Four Utah Vivisectors
Communiqué from the Animal Liberation Front Date: April 1, 2010 Institution Targeted: University of Utah Received anonymously: Salt Lake City, Utah It may be april fools day, but the last thing we were doing was fooling around. On the morning of april 1st, our cell visited the homes of three vivisectors from the University of …
Apr 01
ALF Target University of Utah in Multiple Attacks
Communiqué from the Animal Liberation Front Date: April 1, 2010 Institution Targeted: University of Utah Received anonymously: Salt Lake City, Utah It may be april fools day, but the last thing we were doing was fooling around. On the morning of april 1st, our cell visited the homes of three vivisectors from the University of …
Mar 17
FBI Raids Animal Activist House in Utah Search Warrant Relates to Iowa Investigation of 2004 Animal Liberation Front Raid on Laboratory
For Immediate Release Salt Lake City: FBI agents and law enforcement from multiple agencies raided a well-known activist group house in Salt Lake City on Monday in connection with an investigation of Animal Liberation Front (ALF) crimes in Iowa. Details are still emerging, but it is clear that the warrant was issued by the Southern …