Translation of 2009 Interview with Norwegian Antispeciesist Group, Nettverk For Dyrs FrihetBelow is an interview with professor and activist Dr. Steven Best. In this interview by Arild Tornes in Oslo (summer 2009), Best discusses his “personal and professional background, his introduction to animal rights, his support for the ALF & direct action, the consequent academic …
Sep 03
Vegan Prisoner Support Group Formed in Mexico: “Until the End”
– This prisoner support group supporting anti-civilization (animal and earth liberation) of Mexico was formed due to the urgent need to support our comrades who have fallen into the dungeons of the enemy. – With the expansion that has taken place in the fight for animal and earth liberation in Mexico, the state has implemented …
Sep 01
FLA Hit Multiple Targets
Communiqué from the Frente de Liberación Animal Date: September 01, 2010 Institution Targeted: Multiple Targets Received anonymously: We claim the following actions in support of anti-authoritarian prisoners, Víctor Herrera (who has not been sentenced despite nearly a year of imprisonment), Abraham López and Adrian Magdaleno, incarcerated in prisons in Mexican state. In direct solidarity with …
Sep 01
“Why I am vegan” By Walter Bond
Like all industries of animal exploitation, the circle of abuse will end with the antagonist (humans) falling prey to its own perfidiousness. In the winter of 1995, when I was 19 years old, I got a job with a company by the name of Dakota Mechanical. We built slaughter-houses in the Midwest, mainly in Iowa. …
Sep 01
Multiple Targets with Fake Bombs in Mexico by FLA
Communiqué from the Frente de Liberación Animal Date: September 01, 2010 Institution Targeted: Multiple Targets Received anonymously: We claim the following actions in support of anti-authoritarian prisoners, Víctor Herrera (who has not been sentenced despite nearly a year of imprisonment), Abraham López and Adrian Magdaleno, incarcerated in prisons in Mexican state. In direct solidarity with …
Aug 27
Animal Liberation Investigation Unit Targets Primate Products
Communiqué from the Animal Liberation Investigation Unit Date: August 27, 2010 Institution Targeted: Primate Products, Inc. Received anonymously: The Animal Liberation Investigation Unit has obtained damning photographs from within Primate Products, Inc. ( in Miami, Florida. The photographs reveal the true faces of vivisection and the global primate trade.
Aug 25
Roundabout as Conflict-avoidance versus Malcolm X’s Psychology of Liberation
by Denis Rancourt In the present essay I introduce the general notion of “roundabout” as a mechanism of conflict avoidance used by privileged social justice activists. I then contrast this pseudo-liberation activism with the needed true liberation activism of Malcolm X, which I argue to be consistent with the model of liberation of Freire. INTRODUCTION …
Aug 15
COINTELPRO, Provocateurs, and Prisoners: An Interview
By Peter Young Simulposted with Voice of the Voiceless and Thomas Paine’s Corner I recently did an interview with Dylan from Vegan Police that is timely and worth reposting. The interview covered subjects that have become increasingly relevant with recent events, including: provocateurs, critics, informants, COINTELPRO, how to deal with suspected informants, and much more. …
Aug 08
Warning: Green Scare Informant Offering Computer Security Advice Activists beware: FBI informant Darren Thurston now a “computer security” expert
Posted: 08 Aug 2010 Voice of the Voiceless by Peter Young Since Darren Thurston’s release from prison, the informant in the Green Scare A.L.F. / E.L.F. case has resurfaced as a computer security consultant. A warning to anyone who has received computer security services from someone going by hard_mac , or rad_boy : Your consultant …
Aug 07
FLA Target Poultry Transport, Eukanuba Pet Shop
Communiqué from the Frente de Liberación Animal Date: August 7, 2010 Institution Targeted: Poultry Transport, Eukanuba Pet Shop Received anonymously: The Frente de Liberación Animal claim two sabotages against animal exploiting businesses in Guadalajara, Mexico which we decided to carry out due to the disappearance of direct action in our city. The actions: We spray-painted …
Aug 07
Stop Huntington Animal Cruelty(SHAC) Releases Details on Deaths of Hundreds of Monkeys
[Huntingdon Life Sciences has been exposed in seven consecutive undercover investigations which exposed lab technicians simulating sex with the animals, punching beagle puppies and violating numerous animal welfare regulations. The company kills 500 dogs and other animals every day testing such products as oven cleaners, pesticides and pharmaceuticals. Before losing their NYSE listing several years …
Aug 07
Two Sabotages Against Animal Exploiting Businesses in Guadalajara by FLA
Communiqué from the Frente de Liberación Animal Date: August 7, 2010 Institution Targeted: Poultry Transport, Eukanuba Pet Shop Received anonymously: The Frente de Liberación Animal claim two sabotages against animal exploiting businesses in Guadalajara, Mexico which we decided to carry out due to the disappearance of direct action in our city. The actions: We spray-painted …
Aug 01
Guide To Direct Action
(Updated August 1, 2011) Disclaimer: The author of this guide does not partake in or encourage illegal activities. The author of this guide is not a member of any group considered by the FBI to be a terrorist group. This guide is written and published for informational purposes only. This guide is not copyrighted. Activists …
Jul 31
FLA / ELF Burned Construction Equipment
Communiqué from the Frente de Liberación de la Tierra Date: July 31, 2010 Institution Targeted: ELF Attack Dedicated to Walter Bond Received anonymously: On the night of July 27 we made a bonfire with property belonging to destroyers of the Earth. In the Dinamos woods in the Magdalena Contreras section of Mexico City, there is …
Jul 31
Urban Expansion Project Burned by FLA
Communiqué from the Frente de Liberación de la Tierra Date: July 31, 2010 ELF Attack Dedicated to Walter Bond Received anonymously: On the night of July 27 we made a bonfire with property belonging to destroyers of the Earth. In the Dinamos woods in the Magdalena Contreras section of Mexico City, there is an urban …