Hackers Dump List of Hunting Federation Members in France

anonymous activists hacked and made public the mailing list of the Fédération des Chasseurs de la Somme: Ronger Alexandre / a.alexandre@laposte.net BLONDELLE andre / a.blondelle@norchim.com bell thomas / a.bocourt@infonie.fr Boudinel Alain / a.boudinel@orange.fr Boulet Alexandre / A.boulet62130@gmail.com Boulet Alexandre / a.boulet62130@laposte.net JOLIBOIS Vincent / a.chassecandas@laposte.net DEGUISNE Arnaud / a.deguisne@orange.fr DELEPLACE Arnaud / a.deleplace@maisonducil.fr DUPUIS ARNAUD …

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Hackers Dump List of Hunting Federation Members in France

anonymous activists hacked and made public the mailing list of the Fédération des Chasseurs de la Somme: Ronger Alexandre / a.alexandre@laposte.net BLONDELLE andre / a.blondelle@norchim.com bell thomas / a.bocourt@infonie.fr Boudinel Alain / a.boudinel@orange.fr Boulet Alexandre / A.boulet62130@gmail.com Boulet Alexandre / a.boulet62130@laposte.net JOLIBOIS Vincent / a.chassecandas@laposte.net DEGUISNE Arnaud / a.deguisne@orange.fr DELEPLACE Arnaud / a.deleplace@maisonducil.fr DUPUIS ARNAUD …

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More Than 50 Bullfighting Posters Altered in Teruel (Spain)

Received anonymously: “Murderers,” “animal abuse” and other messages were painted on more than 50 posters advertising a bullfight in Teruel.

More Than 50 Bullfighting Posters Altered in Teruel (Spain)

Received anonymously: “Murderers,” “animal abuse” and other messages were painted on more than 50 posters advertising a bullfight in Teruel.

ALF/ELF Sabotage at Betting Office in Santiago (Chile)

Received anonymously: (translation) Members of the Anonymous Band for Sabotage in the early hours of June 18 sealed two padlocks at a Teletrak betting office in Santiago. Previously we harassed their customers with an undesirable noise, this time we went for their locks. ‘…We will continue smashing your windows, we will continue painting your walls, …

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ALF/ELF Detonate Noise Bombs in Chile

Received anonymously: (translation): Noise bombs coordinated by the ALF and ELF in Santiago and Arauco Province Embracing the struggle for Total Liberation, we continue on … From our perspective and praxis we want to generate like-minded actions and informal coordinations for attack. Anti-authoritarian attack with accomplices, which have been demonstrated for some time in Chilean …

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ALF/ELF Detonate Noise Bombs in Chile

Received anonymously: (translation): Noise bombs coordinated by the ALF and ELF in Santiago and Arauco Province Embracing the struggle for Total Liberation, we continue on … From our perspective and praxis we want to generate like-minded actions and informal coordinations for attack. Anti-authoritarian attack with accomplices, which have been demonstrated for some time in Chilean …

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Hunting, Butcher Websites Hacked in France

On June 4, the website (www.boucherie-bretagne.com) of the Breton Federation of Butchers was taken down. In addition, anonymous activists dumped the mailing lists from several French hunting federations: lacabaneduchasseur@lagoon.nc ffcnc@lagoon.nc info@ffcnc.nc parc-smgf@lagoon.nc directeur@ffcnc.nc christelle.escande@wanadoo.fr claudeliane@cegetel.net sauvaginiersdugard@yahoo.fr gasiot.pascal@gmail.com service_garderie_milhe@live.fr cedric.divol@sfr.fr menardiere34@orange.fravellan menardiere34@orange.fr secretariat@fdc30.fr menadiere34@orange.fr bonneauafaccc30@orange.fr herve.melenchon@orange.fr permisdechasser@fdc30.fr pierre.avellan@orange.com contact@fdc30.fr nicolasac3g@cegetel.net combe.alida@hotmail.fr mlehalle@fdc54.com contact@fdc54.com fdc66@chasseurdefrance.com fdc20@wanadoo.fr, fabienne.zut@hotmail.com …

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Bullfighter Killed in France

Ivan Fandino had been a star Spanish bullfighter for over twelve years before he was gruesomely gored to death in a French bullring yesterday. The 36-year-old matador had already pierced the bull’s neck with multiple swords when he tripped over his cape and fell to the ground. At the time, Fandino was using his cape …

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FBI Approaching Activists in North Carolina- Send Them Packing!

https://itsgoingdown.org/fbi-visits-north-carolina/ Part I: What We Know In the past six months, over half a dozen people with personal or political ties to anarchists in central North Carolina have been approached for questioning by the FBI. This wave began in early winter after an apparent arson of the Orange County GOP office, and has recently escalated. …

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Snitch Andrew Darst Still Trying to Infiltrate Activists

On May 5, 2017, someone presenting themselves as federal informant Andrew Clark Darst tried (again) to establish communication with organizers he informed against in the lead-up to the 2008 RNC. His email is copied at the end of this message, in its entirety. We are bewildered, dismayed and angered by the bizarre entitlement of the …

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Update on Animal Liberation Prisoner Nicole Kissane

Nicole Kissane is an anarchist and animal rights activist doing 21 months for her part in actions to free fur animals from cages. She is currently imprisoned at FCI Dublin, in the Bay Area and is a solid correspondent. She also has a brand new Amazon wishlist, so please, show her some love and send a …

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ALF Destroys Boar Traps in Italy

According to a report on frentedeliberacionanimal.net, the ALF destroyed traps used to catch wild boars at a farm in Fondotoce Di Verbania. A message, “Keep your hands off the boars” was left behind.

Owners remove foie gras from restaurant’s menu after ‘bullying and intimidation’ by animal rights activists

Tom Towers for Metro.co.uk The owners of a restaurant have said they have been forced to remove foie gras from their menu after being ‘bullied and intimidated’ by animal rights activists. David and Samantha McHattie decided to axe the French delicacy after a customer was left ‘visibly shaken’ by a ‘torrent of intimidating abuse’ that …

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Animal rights activists attack Documenta 14 artist’s studio

Aboubakar Fofana’s project includes indigo-dyed sheep by Julia Michalska Animal-rights campaigners smashed windows and threw blue paint on the work space of Aboubakar Fofana in Athens, where the Malian artist is participating in the Greek leg of Documenta 14 (until 16 July). The anonymous assailants had previously disrupted the artist’s performance, which featured live sheep, …

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