Fur Shop Stickered (Sweden)

Received anonymously: Swedish royal furs (Mode Päls) was decorated near Stockholm Central. A sale sign was also taken down.

Crow Liberated from Trap (Italy)

Translation of an anonymous report on frentedeliberacionanimal.net (click here for video from the action): A carrion crow has been released from a trap cage and the cage destroyed. The crow was taken to a recovery center due to its poor condition. Now, after recovery, the bird flies free in the sky, its place.

Hunting Towers Destroyed in Monts du Lyonnais (France)

According to an anonymous report on frentedeliberacionanimal.net, on the night of August 18-19, several towers used for hunting by the Vaugneray Hunting Society were destroyed in Monts du Lyonnais (France). “Go Vegan” was painted on the destroyed towers.

Lynx Trap Smashed in Sweden

Received anonymously: One Lynx trap was smashed in the woods of south western Sweden 18th Aug. The Lynx traps are known to be extremely cruel to the animals. End the hunting. Hunt the hunters!

ALF Targets Pamplona Bullfighting Club (Spain)

Windows were broken and “ALF” painted at the Pamplona Bullfighting Club in Navarre on the night of August 22. The club reported 18,000 Euros in damages.

Hunting Tower Toppled by ALF (Sweden)

Received anonymously: We saw this hunting tower near were we live, tried to find it in the night but couldn’t see it, went out another night and finally found it. The anger was huge so we totally sabotaged and took it down. We also left a message to the hunters. Let them now that they …

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Fishing Shop Windows Smashed (UK)

Received anonymously from Unoffensive Animal: Any business profiting from the speciesist system is a target. Last night we headed to the local fishing shop and left some beautiful marks on the windows with a hammer. We hope it makes the owner realise we will be paying as many visits as needed until they close down. As …

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New Publication: 18 Theses on Marxism and Animal Liberation

Dear comrades, dear colleagues and friends, we’re very happy to announce that our text “18 Theses on Marxism and Animal Liberation” is now published both online on facebook  (http://ogy.de/fwc6) and in PDF format (http://ogy.de/h1lv). It is the English translation of a text we first published in German in 2017. It aims at showing the common …

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Press Office Recommends: New Book on Animal and Environmental Activism

Greening it off the Grid: BEAUTIFUL, FUNNY AND UNAPOLOGETICALLY RELEVANT (First Person / Biography)

5000 Mink Liberated in Hjo, Sweden

Received anonymously (click here for video from the action): On the 19th of August activists entered a fur farm during a protest in Hjo, Sweden. 5000 mink were freed from their cages and so far no one has been charged for the action. Activists covered the farmers home in stickers to remind him that someone will always …

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5000 Mink Liberated in Hjo, Sweden

Received anonymously (click here for video from the action): On the 19th of August activists entered a fur farm during a protest in Hjo, Sweden. 5000 mink were freed from their cages and so far no one has been charged for the action. Activists covered the farmers home in stickers to remind him that someone will always …

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Joseph Dibee Arrested in Oregon

Joseph Dibee #812133 Multnomah County Detention Center 11540 NE Inverness Drive Portland, OR 97220 USA Joseph Dibee was arrested in August 2018. He is facing several charges, including conspiracy to commit arson, related to actions claimed by the Earth Liberation Front and Animal Liberation Front between 1996 and 2001. Joseph has pleaded not guilty. Learn …

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Rabbit Liberated by ALF (UK)

Received anonymously from Unoffensive Animal: In Derbyshire on Tuesday the 14th August a rabbit was liberated from solitary confinement in a hutch much too small that hadn’t been cleaned out for god knows how long. There was urine and inches of faeces all over it – all this coupled with the warm weather creates perfect conditions …

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Former Seattle man, an alleged domestic terrorist, arrested in Cuba after 12 years on the run

(NATIONAL) – Joseph Mahmoud Dibee, 50, formerly of Seattle, an accused domestic terrorist and 12-year fugitive, has been apprehended and returned to the United States to face federal criminal charges in Washington state as well as in California and Oregon. The announcement was made Monday by Assistant Attorney General for National Security John C. Demers, …

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Butcher Shop Painted with “ALF” (Sao Paulo, Brazil)

According to an anonymous report on frentedeliberacionanimal.net, “ALF” was painted on a butcher shop in São Paulo in the early hours of August 13.