Duck Liberation by ALF (Italy)

Translation of an anonymous report from Stuffed in small cages full of crap, in a filthy environment, with a floor full of excrement everywhere. It’s not water or mud that covers their feathers, but their own excrement. Forced to live in complete darkness. Their liberation was a duty, cages have been opened and emptied, none …

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ALF Liberates Puppy, Dedicates Action to Memory of Jill Phipps (UK)

Received anonymously from Unoffensive Animal: After receiving a tip off that a puppy was being left outside all day in the freezing cold and with the fate of being used as a breeding machine we had to act quickly. On arrival we found the dog chained up to a small kennel that was just large enough …

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ALF Liberates Puppy, Dedicates Action to Memory of Jill Phipps (UK)

Received anonymously from Unoffensive Animal: After receiving a tip off that a puppy was being left outside all day in the freezing cold and with the fate of being used as a breeding machine we had to act quickly. On arrival we found the dog chained up to a small kennel that was just large enough …

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ALF Targets Hunting Huts, Cages in the Bergamasche Valley (Italy)

Received anonymously: Two hunting huts in the Bergamasche Valley were attacked by the ALF. The activists wrote in a claim of responsibility (translation), “under the dark moon of a winter night we channeled our anger against two huts: Our claws tore apart the cages in which a dozen bait birds were enclosed; nets and traps …

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What Savages We Must Be: Vegans Without Morality

What Savages We Must Be: Vegans Without Morality by Flower Bomb ~ New morals, Same governance ~ “Morality is common sense ideas that we can all agree on. We need to expand morality to include non-human animals.” -Logic commonly found in the vegan movement Most movements who attempt to make social change en masse rely …

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Putting understudied terrorists under a microscope

Michigan State University Bombs exploding, hostages taken and masked gunmen firing machine guns are all types of terrorist attacks we’ve seen. According to new Michigan State University research, it’s the attacks we don’t see—cyberattacks—that happen more often and can cause greater destruction. “Little work has been done around the use of the internet as an …

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Restaurant Arson in Roubaix (France)

Received anonymously: The restaurant Le Fer à Cheval in Roubaix was damaged by fire during the night of January 17-18. “Stop Speciesism” was found painted on a wall at the restaurant.

Restaurant Arson in Roubaix (France)

Received anonymously: The restaurant Le Fer à Cheval in Roubaix was damaged by fire during the night of January 17-18. “Stop Speciesism” was found painted on a wall at the restaurant.

Dozens of Hens Liberated in Open Rescue (Czech Republic)

Report from (click here for more photos from the rescue): Open rescue XLVI This message contains three rescues at once. In the first one, we took twenty hens, in the second one five and in the third one eighteen of them. New rescuer joined us in two of these events. I asked her to write a …

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Snitch Alert, Melbourne, Australia: Farmer goes undercover as animal activist to get inside knowledge

Snitch Alert: Melbourne, Australia A WESTERN District farmer is acting as an undercover animal rights activist in a bid to protect his industry. The Weekly Times can reveal the sheep farmer began infiltrating animal rights groups four years ago because he believed activists were getting away with crimes with just a “slap on the wrist”. The …

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Animal rights group accused of encouraging ‘illegal behaviour’ with map of farms and abattoirs

The Guardian (International Edition) Aussie Farms says online map will allow consumers to make ‘informed choices’ The agriculture minister has appealed to an animal activist group to pull down a website showing the location of hundreds of farms and abattoirs across Australia over concerns it will promote vigilantism and trespassing. A group called Aussie Farms …

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True Animal Liberation (from Walter Bond)

True Animal Liberation Animals are inherently better than human beings. To clarify, when I say ‘Animals’ this is merely shorthand for ‘all life upon the planet,minus us’. And by ‘inherently better’ I mean collectively, and most of the time individually, more important to the healthy functioning of the Planet than we are. Animals are far …

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30 Hens, 5 Rabbits Liberated (Padua, Italy)

Received anonymously from Padua, Italy About 30 hens and 5 rabbits have been freed from imprisonment that would have ended in their deaths so that the exploiters could savor their bodies.

30 Hens, 5 Rabbits Liberated (Padua, Italy)

Received anonymously from Padua, Italy About 30 hens and 5 rabbits have been freed from imprisonment that would have ended in their deaths so that the exploiters could savor their bodies.

How Animal Activism is Changing in 2019

[Below is published by the animal-torture advocates at the ineptly-named Americans for Medical Progress. Judging from their own propaganda, illegal animal liberation activities continue at roughly the same pace as they have for the last several years. Not that more would not be better! –Press Office] As we look forward to what 2019 has in …

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