Another 100 Hens Liberated, South of England

Received anonymously: April – 100 hens liberated from an intensive caged unit in the south of england

15 Rabbits Freed, Cages Destroyed (Italy)

According to an anonymous report on, 15 rabbits were freed and cages destroyed at a farm in Italy. Click here for video from the action.

15 Rabbits Freed, Cages Destroyed (Italy)

According to an anonymous report on, 15 rabbits were freed and cages destroyed at a farm in Italy. Click here for video from the action.

Butcher Shop Windows Broken in Bern (Switzerland)

According to an anonymous report on Barrikade, during the night of March 27-28 in the city of Bern, windows were broken at a supermarket and a butcher shop. The activists wrote, “The broken windows and the paint on the walls are nothing compared to the violence that animals suffer every day due to meat production, and …

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Locks Glued at Charity that Funds Vivisection (UK)

Received anonymously from Unoffensive Animal: british heart foundation, all locks glued. economical sabotage is success.

Hunting Tower Destroyed near Barcelona (Spain)

According to an anonymous report on, a hunting tower was destroyed in the area of Puigmadrona (Barcelona).

100 Hens Liberated, South of England

Received anonymously: March – 100 hens rescued from a miserable caged unit in the south of England.

100 Hens Liberated, South of England

Received anonymously: March – 100 hens rescued from a miserable caged unit in the south of England.

Hunting Tower Destroyed in South West England

Received anonymously: March – hunting tower destroyed in south west England.

Rabbits Rescued in Chile

Received anonymously from In Chile rabbits have been rescued from a breeder, among them there are different sizes and conditions, now they are beginning to be relocated in sanctuaries and homes far away from everything that once meant suffering. We will fight until all animals are liberated and every cage is abolished and destroyed. For …

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THE GREEN SCARE How a Movement That Never Killed Anyone Became the FBI’s No. 1 Domestic Terrorism Threat

The Intercept by Alleen Brown Behind the scenes, corporate lobbying laid the groundwork for the Justice Department’s aggressive pursuit of so-called eco-terrorists. JOE DIBEE’S 12 YEARS on the lam came to an end last August, when Cuban authorities detained the 50-year-old environmental activist during a layover in Havana and turned him over to the United States. More …

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Real-life Danny the Champion of the World liberates 5,000 pheasants from game farm

The London Economic by Jack Peat This is the moment animal activists claim they released nearly 5,000 pheasants from a game farm. Members of Animal Liberation Front crept into the farm they claim was breeding birds to be shot, and herded the pheasants out into the open. A video shows countless birds flapping to freedom …

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ALF Liberates Thousands of Pheasants from Game Farm in Chilmark (UK)

Received anonymously from @ALFUKpress (click here for video from the action): We decided after reading recent hit reports from other activists that it was time we did something about it as well. The game farm at ‘Chilmark Common’ is just south of the village of Chilmark. We found 8 very large pens each pen had approximately 400-600 …

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ALF Liberates Thousands of Pheasants from Game Farm in Chilmark (UK)

Received anonymously from @ALFUKpress (click here for video from the action): We decided after reading recent hit reports from other activists that it was time we did something about it as well. The game farm at ‘Chilmark Common’ is just south of the village of Chilmark. We found 8 very large pens each pen had approximately 400-600 …

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5 Rabbits Saved from Slaughter (Sweden)

Received anonymously: 5 bunnies where taken from a newly started company. The bunnies where raised for meat branded as local and environmentally friendly. We see it as local murder. They are now safe and won’t be slaughtered. Never hesitate to liberate.