Received anonymously from Vegan Corporation (translation): On the night of December 7, about twenty activists — anonymous antispeciesists — released one hundred rabbits from the largest breeding farm in the Benelux. Those freed were taken to safe homes far from the speciesist system. French: Dans la nuit du 7 décembre, une vingtaine d’activistes – antispécistes anonymes – …
Dec 12
How the Prosecution of Animal Rights Activists As Terrorists Foretold Today’s Criminalization of Dissent
Natasha Lennard The Intercept “YOU SEE THE train coming, but it hits you anyway,” said animal rights activist Josh Harper. “They just went down the list and it was ‘guilty as charged,’ ‘guilty as charged,’ ‘guilty as charged’ — every defendant, every count.” This is how, in the new documentary film “The Animal People,” Harper describes …
Dec 11
Milk Company Sabotaged (Bern, Switzerland)
According to an anonymous report on Barrikade , in late November the headquarters of Swissmilk in Bern was attacked. Butyric acid was poured in a stairwell. Claim of responsibility (German): We attacked the headquarters of Swissmilk at Brunnmattstrasse 21, 3007 Bern. We distributed a stinking liquid there to spoil the business at the headquarters of the Swiss milk …
Dec 11
Ecoterrorist admits firebombing 25 years ago
RJ Wolcott Livingston Ledger EAST LANSING – In the early morning hours of Feb. 28, 1992, Rodney Coronado crept onto Michigan State University‘s campus. He wiggled his way through a first-floor window of Anthony Hall before kicking down the door to the office of Richard Aulerich. The MSU researcher spent decades studying nutrition and the decline …
Dec 10
Hunting Cabins Vandalized, Birds Liberated by ALF (Italy)
During the night of December 6-7, twelve hunting cabins were vandalized near the towns of Cologne and Coccaglio (Brescia). Doors were forced open and everything inside was damaged. Cages were smashed and nets cut, allowing many birds to escape. ALF initials and anti-hunting slogans were painted on the cabins.
Dec 10
Duck Rescued (Padua, Italy)
Dec 09
How They Got In (Blast from the Past, Still Pertinent Today!)
By: Peter Young, former ALF operative Missing from much coverage on and communiques from the A.L.F.s most expertly planned break-ins and live liberations are any mention of how the activists gained entry. And perhaps for good reason: revealing the method of access for the FBI and the action’s target can provide clues to aid in …
Dec 09
Hens Rescued from Egg Farm by ALF (UK)
Received anonymously from Unoffensive Animal (click here for video from the action): This week in the south east some of us went out into the night to get some footage and help some comrades out. We had to wait hidden in the dark for quite some time as the farmer was still out on the farm at almost 1am. …
Dec 08
Broken Promise, Broken Window at Fur Shop (Sweden)
Received anonymously: The owners of the fur selling shop named Wacko in Stockholm made a promise earlier this year to close the shop in november 2019. They broke that promise, so we broke their window and glued their lock. We never give in and we always win! For the animals. Swedish Animal Liberation Front Djurens …
Dec 07
Sheep, Left to Die Collapsed in a Field, Rescued (UK)
Received anonymously from Unoffensive Animal: Sheep left to die collapsed in a field. This isn’t the only one in recent weeks that’s needed an emergency rescue by comrades. They had been purposefully left with obvious injuries, pain and diseases for months on end, crippling them to the point of collapse. One had been eaten alive by …