Category: Press Releases

Animal Liberation Prisoner Ladislav Kuc is Released from Prison After Almost 12 Years!

On January first, Ladislav Kuc was released from the Slovakian prison where he spent almost 12 years for the sabotage of a McDonald’s restaurant. We welcome Ladislav back to the world and wish him all the best. He is still in need of funds for legal expenses and getting back on his feet, so please, …

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Another Mink Farm Determined to be Closed (Wisconsin)

The Brecke Mink Ranch in Stetsonville, Wisconsin was once one of the largest mink farms in Wisconsin. On a recent visit to the Brecke farm, sheds were found to still be standing, but the property has been sold and the farm is believed to no longer be in operation. For a list of active fur …

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Mink Farmer Duane Masog is Dead

Duane Masog imprisoned and killed thousands of mink on his farm in Lebanon, Oregon for many years. He died on December 28, 2023 in Salem. In 1997, unknown activists raided Masog Mink Farm and liberated 80 captive mink; years later photos were leaked from inside the same farm, showing bloody clothing of Nicholas Masog (Duane’s brother), …

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Unoffensive Reports: 2023 Year in Review (Unoffensive Animal)

Another year has passed and because we apparently enjoy spending hours doing the maths, we have a list of the 2023 reported animal liberation actions by country, type and target! It is worth mentioning, as always, that this list is in no way exhaustive as many people might decide to take action and not report …

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How to Anonymously Send a Communique to the Press Office (It’s Easy!)

So maybe you’ve been busy out there helping animals and want to let others know how easy it is to be a real liberationist? Maybe you want to inspire others to help animals in the most efficient way possible, the way we would want others to help US if we were in such dire circumstances? …

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Fur Commission USA- Who Are These Cowards?

Received anonymously: ‘Tis the season for new forms of direct action against the mink murder industry! In December mink farms murder all captive animals to steal their fur for profit. Each liberation and farm closure is inspiring news but farms are just one piece of the profit machine. The people who run that industry have …

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Another Pennsylvania Fur Farm Confirmed Closed

Activists recently visited the Preston Fur Farm in Greenville, Pennsylvania. There they found each and every mink shed was empty of animals, and filled with various farm items and dilapidated cages. This was a very large farm, previously known to be murdering thousands of captive mink every year. The fur industry is dying, and activists …

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Animal Liberation Prisoner Marius Mason- Address Update

Marius Mason is an anarchist animal rights activist who has been in prison since 2009. Marius plead guilty to being involved in an arson at a research lab, and to twelve acts of property damage. Marius release date is January 10 2027. Recently Marius has been moved to a new prison. If you want to …

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Animal Liberation Prisoner Ladislav Kuc Will Be Released Soon- Please Donate

Ladislav Kuc was arrested in 2012, and sentenced to prison in 2014, for allegedly making explosives and bombing a McDonalds restaurant (where no one was hurt). After being incarcerated for 12 years, Ladislav’s release date is in a couple of months. If all goes as planned, Ladislav will be released from prison in January 2024. …

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Wayne Hsiung Jailed for Open Liberation of Chickens, Ducks (USA)

After an eight weeks court case for the open rescue of chickens and ducks, Wayne was found guilty of one count of felony conspiracy to commit trespass and two misdemeanour trespass charges, for entering the chicken supplier Sunrise Farms. On the charges related to the duck farm, the jury did not come to an unanimous …

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It is never a good idea to talk to the police or FBI

An FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force has been visiting activists in the Boston area. There is no need for activists to worry, we have seen this behavior many times in the past. Visits have been more frequent in the past, and indeed are a sign that we are being effective in our struggles for animal …

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Former Animal Liberation Front Member Challenges Fur Commission USA Director and Fur Farmers to Debate

Update:  Fur Commission USA has issued a statement saying it “staunchly refuses to engage with or validate terrorists groups by offering them a media platform”. Good call, FCUSA! Former Animal Liberation Front (ALF) member and current North American Animal Liberation Press Officer Joseph Buddenberg challenges Fur Commission USA Executive Director Challis Hobbs or mink farmer …

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California “Game Breeders” Who Hold Native Wildlife Captive.

Gordon Breitbarth 264 Watt Ln Oroville, CA 95965 Holds Ring-Necked Pheasants captive Bradley Henman 10282 Alberton Ave Chico, CA 95928 Holds Mallard Ducks captive   Robert Henman 3971 Keefer Rd Chico, CA 95973 Ring-Necked pheasants John McClellan 468 Cox Ln Oroville, CA 95965 Imprisons Chukar and Ring-Necked Pheasants James Vonbargen 30 Lone Star Ct Gridley, …

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One-Hit Wonders: US States With Only One Remaining Fur Farm

There are many states home to only one remaining fur farm. Farmers are pelting out due to record-low pelt prices, declining demand for their products, and continued illegal direct action against this violent and antiquated industry. Missouri Mid-Missouri Fox Farm (David W. Moyer) 12640 Derstler Road Richmond, MO 64085 The Mid-Missouri Fox Farm may be …

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Press Officer to Speak at NYC Fur Free Weekend

@nyc_animaldefenseleague is happy to announce the next speaker added to our lineup for Fur Free Weekend, Joseph Buddenberg. Joseph has been active in the animal liberation movement for nearly 20 years, and has been the target of multiple federal investigations. Joseph was twice indicted under the US Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act. He served two years …

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