Category: News Articles

Animals, liberators trade places

Editorial Capital Press The West’s Ag Website Every so often the misguided souls that call themselves ALF — short for the Animal Liberation Front — resurface and announce their latest “accomplishment” in an email or on the Internet. They “free” a few pheasants, chickens or ducks by trespassing and vandalizing a farm. They vandalize a …

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Animal activists ‘free’ pheasants from farm near Canby

By Bob Heye KATU News Published: Sep 25, 2012 NEAR CANBY, Ore. – An anonymous group claiming to represent the ALF – Initials often used by the Animal Liberation Front – say they broke open a pheasant farmer’s pen Friday night. The activists tore open fencing that kept pheasants in captivity. According to the release …

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New Informant & Grand Jury Subpoena in Santa Cruz Arson Investigation

by Animal Liberation Frontline Monday Aug 27th, 2012 9:20 AM New Grand Jury Subpoena & Informant in Santa Cruz Arson Investigation Just a heads-up that there are two developments in the investigation into arsons at the homes of two UC-Santa Cruz researchers. 1) A woman named Otessa Crandell is reported to be cooperating with the …

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Animal group warns of more attacks

By ADA SLIVINSKI, QMI AGENCY Email: The animal rights group behind attacks on Vancouver fur businesses says store owners can expect more assaults. “I would fully expect (the attacks) to continue and perhaps escalate,’’ said Jerry Vlasak, spokesman for the Animal Liberation Front, based in Los Angeles. “We don’t really care what the law …

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Snowflake Furs and Speiser Furs in Downtown Vancouver Sabotaged

August 23, 2012 According to media reports, a noxious substance was sprayed into Snowflake Furs and Speiser Furs in downtown Vancouver late on August 20. Reportedly, syringes were used to spray liquid into the stores through gaps around the front doors. Animal activists are suspected of being responsible for the attacks. Both fur stores have …

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After ALF Raid, Source Puts Fox Farm Damages at $25,000

From Animal Liberation Frontline Damage estimate and new info about last week’s fox liberation in Virginia. One source apparently close to the farm’s owner is reporting damages from last week’s Virginia fox farm raid at $25,000 to $30,000. In addition to liberating 13 foxes, the Animal Liberation Front stated they also “damaged machinery” at the …

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Animal Liberation Campaign Against Brea (CA) Medical Supply Company Turns Uglier

By Matt Coker Fri., Aug. 10 2012 at 1:15 PM Orange County Weekly CLARIFICATION: This post originally reported that the North American Animal Liberation Front took responsibility for the latest vandalism in Yorba Linda. That produced the following email from the [Press Office] clarifying its role in the matter: The anonymous communique accredited to the …

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Police: “Animal-rights activists vandalized executive’s home”

Published: Aug. 9, 2012 Updated: 1:22 p.m. By DENISSE SALAZAR / THE ORANGE COUNTY REGISTER YORBA LINDA – The Yorba Linda home of a Beckman Coulter Inc. executive was apparently vandalized by animal-rights activists, police said Thursday, adding that no arrests have been made. About 6:50 a.m. Sunday, police responded to the home in the …

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Fur Commission USA reported that its website ( was hacked on August 10

Animal Liberation Frontline Posted by Peter Young Animal Liberation Frontline obtains confidential “security alert” detailing the hacking of the Fur Commission USA website. For over 8 hours on Thursday night / Friday morning, the website for the Fur Commission USA went nearly blank, and the main page was replaced with the message “Destroying the Fur …

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Animal Liberation Front Actions Heat Up; Will Underground Activism Make a Comeback?

Seattle Weekly By Nina Shapiro Jun. 26 2012 As observed in this week’s feature story, the underground movement that produced the infamous 2001 arson at the University of Washington largely fell apart afterward. Its members dispersed amid squabbles and a backlash from law enforcement. But that doesn’t mean radical activism is completely dead. The Animal …

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Hundreds of Bluefin Tuna Released in Croatia

12 July 2012 The Black Fish news release: “On Sunday a diving team of The Black Fish successfully released hundreds of bluefin tuna back into the Adriatic Sea from cages at a fish farm near the island of Ugljan, Croatia. The action is marking the start of a new campaign to highlight the lucrative trade …

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Snitch Briana Waters Sentenced to 4 Years

Seattle Weekly By Nina Shapiro Jun. 22, 2012 UPDATE: Waters was sentenced this morning to four years in prison. Seven years ago, Briana Waters’ attorney stood in front of a jury and aggressively defended his client as the victim of a wrongful and malicious persecution. Waters, attorney Robert Bloom said, was “completely innocent”–involved in neither …

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FBI Document Reveals Unreported 2008 Mink Release in Utah

Animal Liberation Frontline June 13, 2012 One of the many documents made pubic in the Alex Hall and William Viehl case revealed a previously unknown action that was apparently the work of animal liberators: Sometime in August, 2008, persons unknown opened 15 pens and released 114 mink from a mink farm in South Jordan, Utah. …

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VPD seeks public help in identifying vandals who targeted furs stores

By NEAL HALL VANCOUVER SUN June 6, 2012 VANCOUVER – Vancouver police released a surveillance video today showing two people throwing red paint on the windows of a Vancouver fur store last month. The vandals are believed to have targeted two other Vancouver fur stores recently. Police are hoping the public will recognize the two …

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Vancouver police seek tips on vandals who tossed red paint at three furrier stores

(video) By IAN AUSTIN The Province June 6, 2012 The Vancouver Police Wednesday released surveillance video from several Vancouver furriers in a bid to nab apparent activists who pelted the stores with red paint.Snowflake Furs, Pappas Furs and Speiser Furs all had red paint hurled at their premises – a common tactic used by animal …

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