Category: News Articles

Anonymous – Operation Safari Kill #OpSafariKill

Published on Oct 28, 2015 Anonymous – Operation Safari Kill #OpSafariKill Operation Safari Kill Engaged. We Are Anonymous. We Are Legion. We Do Not Forgive. We Do Not Forget. Expect Us. BREAKING: Anonymous Pledges To Put An End To Safari Clubs and Canned Hunting Called on by animal lovers all over the world, Anonymous recently …

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On Bullshit

The hideous pollution case I stumbled on illustrates our failure to see the harm caused by animal farming. By George Monbiot the Guardian’s website Eat less meat and fish, drink less milk. No request could be simpler, or more consequential. Nothing we do has greater potential for reducing our impacts on the living planet. Yet …

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How animal rights activist Gary Yourofsky ‘turned 8% of Israel vegan’ after comparing slaughterhouses to the Holocaust

Deni Kirkova for Gary Yourofsky is a name that will ring a bell with most vegans. The animal rights activist, from Detroit, Michigan, is credited with singlehandedly turned more people vegan – including 8% of Israel – than anyone else in the world, after an hour-long speech he gave at Georgia Tech was recorded, …

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Activist Update from Barcelona

after going to tordesillas to ocupy foy the fourth year running to try to stop the brutal killing of a bull in the street(this years victim was Rompesuelas) we went to LONDON AND HUNG THE BIGGEST BANNER EVER FROM TOWER BRIDGE…the police kept the banner (all 70 metres of it) and they took all our …

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Activists target E.E. Wilson bird pens

BENNETT HALL Corvallis Gazette-Times Animal rights activists attempting to thwart a pheasant hunt cut open a holding pen at E.E. Wilson Wildlife Management Area, but state game officials say only a handful of birds escaped. According to Rick Hargrave, a spokesman for the Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife, 565 pheasants were being kept in …

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Rash of break-ins at mink farms in Southwestern Ontario leaves region’s fur-bearing industry on edge

By Kate Dubinski The London Free Press Also appeared in the Star Phoenix Are they liberators or terrorists? Militant activists who free farmed animals have struck in Canada before, and there’s speculation they could be behind three recent break-ins at mink farms in Southwestern Ontario. Anonymous activists have claimed responsibility for one of the Southwestern …

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We Disagree! (Some) Animal rights activists condemn vandals who hit home of lion killer

By David Hodges Collier County reporter MARCO ISLAND, FL – Animal activists are condemning vandalism at the house of Dr. Walter Palmer, the man who killed Cecil the lion. The spray-painted phrase “Lion Killer!” on Palmer’s garage was still there a day after police first saw it. The pigs feet were removed but the animal crackers remained. In …

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When Does Animal Rights Activism Become Extremism?

By Jeremy Lybarger San Francisco Weekly On July 28, the FBI arrested Joseph Buddenberg and Nicole Kissane, two Oakland-based animal rights activists accused of releasing thousands of mink from fur farms during multiple cross-country sprees in 2013. The couple were also charged with vandalizing property owned by the meat and fur industries, including, allegedly, a …

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From “Terrorism” to Activism: Moving from the Green Scare to Animal Rights

from Common Dreams by Lauren Gazzola Eleven years ago, when I was arrested along with six other animal activists on domestic terrorism charges, I was already tired of looking for lawyers.  The campaign I was working on, Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty (SHAC), had already garnered its fair share of lawsuits and arrests.  The situation had …

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Oakland animal rights activist pleads not guilty, due in federal court in San Diego

Contra Costa Times OAKLAND – An animal rights activist accused of freeing mink from mink ranches and vandalizing businesses pleaded not guilty in federal court in Oakland Tuesday to a charge of conspiring to violate the U.S. Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act. Joseph Buddenberg, 31, of Oakland, entered the plea before U.S. Magistrate Donna Ryu. Buddenberg …

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Unlike the So-Called Left, Government and Industry Really Get Animal Rights

by The Rancid Honeytrap East Bay Indymedia While many on the ostensible Left continue to point and laugh at animal rights activism, the US government continues to regard it with deadly seriousness. Yesterday the FBI arrested Joseph Buddenburg, and Nicole Kissane, for allegedly releasing minks from mink farms and vandalizing fur retailers. The pair are …

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Dylann Roof Is Not a “Terrorist” — But Animal Rights Activists Who Free Minks From Slaughter Are

by Glenn Greenwald The Intercept The FBI on Friday announced the arrests in Oakland of two animal rights activists, Joseph Buddenberg and Nicole Kissane, and accused the pair of engaging in “domestic terrorism.” This comes less than a month after the FBI director said he does not consider Charleston Church murderer Dylann Roof a “terrorist.” The activists’ alleged crimes: …

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Animal Rights Activists charged as Terrorists (Pacifica Radio)

Hear NAALPO Press Officer Jerry Vlasak interviewed on Pacifica Radio. Two Oakland-based animal activists have been charged with Terrorizing the fur-industry. Joseph Buddenberg and Nicole Kissane are accused of traveling more than 40,000 miles releasing thousands of Minks from farms as well as vandalizing the homes and businesses of fur industry members. Animal rights …

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Animal activists charged with releasing 1,800 mink from Burley farm

Katy Terhune KTVB Television, Boise, ID   BURLEY, Idaho — A pair of animal activists accused of wreaking havoc at an Idaho mink farm during a cross-country crime spree are now facing federal charges. Thirty-one-year-old Joseph Buddenberg and 28-year-old Nicole Kissane were indicted Friday on charges of conspiracy to violate the Animal Enterprise Anti-Terrorism Act. …

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2 charged in cross-country anti-fur crimes

By Kristina Davis San Diego Union Tribune SAN DIEGO — The missions were completed under the cover of darkness, in the name of animal activism. Joseph Buddenberg and Nicole Kissaneare accused of vandalizing a family-run fur shop in San Diego, freeing thousands of minks from Idaho to Pennsylvania and trying to flood the home of …

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