Category: Communiqués

Windows Smashed, Slogans Painted in Lille (France)

According to media reports, on the night of June 21 windows were broken and “Stop Speciesism” painted at a restaurant in Lille.

ALF Liberates Pigeons (Germany)

Received anonymously, from Unoffensive Animal (translation): When we entered this hellhole of a place we discovered many utility pigeons being bred there. These pigeons are used in competitions to either race or for their special feathers as a beauty contest. We quickly broke the only two windows of the sheds to let them fly free. It was …

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Hunting Towers Destroyed (UK)

Received anonymously, from Unoffensive Animal: We made some lovely sculptures in the countryside today, nice pieces of art for the local animals to enjoy. Queers against all.

26 Chickens Liberated (Netherlands)

Reported by Active for Justice: Sven and Natasha liberated! In one of the past nights Active for Justice went to a chicken farm and rescued 26 chickens! This action is dedicated to our dear comrade in jail; Sven.     Somewhere in the Netherlands, in the darkest hours of the night, we gathered up near a chicken farm. …

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10 Meat Trucks Burned in Asturias (Spain)

Received anonymously, from (translation by Unoffensive Animal): In the early morning of the 18th we planted various incendiary devices in about ten vehicles belonging to a meat business from Asturias. We put them over the wheels in trucks and over the dashboard in vans. Our objective is to cause economic damage to those who profit from …

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Fur Farmer Gets House Painted (Sweden)

Received anonymously: Hit report! The fur farmer Niclas Petterson’s house and streets painted with animal friendly messages. The text says ‘Everyone hates Niclas Pettersson’ & ‘ALF always wins.’ Falkenberg, Sweden

Hens Liberated from Factory Farm (Czech Republic)

Received anonymously: June 2018 East Bohemia, Czech Republic This was our first rescue. In the middle of the night we took ten hens from factory farm. They won’t spend their life trapped in a cage.

9 Rats Freed from Breeder (Spain)

According to an anonymous report on, six adult rats and three babies were rescued from deplorable conditions at a breeder. Spanish: Rescatadas 6 ratas adultas y 3 crías de un criador, posiblemente usadas para dar de comer a otros animales. Aunque las condiciones en las que viven dentro de su status como cosas, cabe decir …

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Open Rescue of 4 Hens in Memory of Gari Allen (Czech Republic)

report from (click here for more photos from the rescue): Open rescue XLII (June 2018) & In memory Gari Allen We rescued 4 hens. They will not die in a cage or a slaughterhouse. We took them to kind people to their new homes. Now they can spread their wings and run free. They have sun …

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Hunting Center Vandalized (France)

According to an anonymous report on, a hunting federation’s training center was damaged on May 15. The entrance door was splashed with tar and stickers against hunting left behind.

Nautilus Fish Prison in Lima Vandalized (Peru)

Activists used paint to vandalize the Nautilus aquarium in Lima, Peru. Claim of responsibility (Spanish): Hace algunas semanas atrás nos dirigimos al acuario Nautilus, reclusorio de especies marinas, el cual como tal forma parte de una macro estructura que normaliza el encierro de seres libres con intereses propios. Nosotrxs atacamos parte de su estructura que …

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8 Chickens Liberated from Fovant Down Poultry Farm (UK)

Received anonymously, from Unoffensive Animal (click here for video from the action): In the darkness of the night, we broke into one of several sheds at Fovant Down Poultry Farm. As we entered, our eyes and noses stung from the ammonia and dust, and we were met with the grim sight of many thousands of young hens in rows …

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Butchers, McDonald’s Sabotaged (Switzerland)

According to a report on, two butchers, a McDonald’s and a kebab restaurant were attacked in Nyon during the night of June 10-11. Windows were broken and messages were left (“Stop Speciesism”, “Stop Murder”).  

Slogans Painted on Butcher Shop (Santiago, Chile)

In mid-May, slogans were painted on a butcher shop in Santiago, and powerful fireworks set off, in memory of activists Daniel Menco and Mauricio Morales. Claim of responsibility (Spanish): Sábado 19 de Mayo y Martes 22 de Mayo. Tras nuestras últimas acciones vandálicas, nos volvemos a reunir, esta es una ocasión especial -se acercaba el …

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Actions in Remembrance of Javier Recabarren (Santiago, Chile)

Received anonymously, from contra info (translation): Under the framework of a new anniversary of the murder of our compañero, different coordinated actions were carried out within the capital of the territory dominated by the Chilean state. We see in Javier an anti-authoritarian and an ally in the struggle for animal liberation, and that is why different symbols …

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