Category: Communiqués

Hunting Shop Graffitied in Saint Hubertus (Poland)

Received anonymously: On November 3 in Krakow a hunting shop was graffitied and its lock filled with glue. November 3 is the feast of Saint Hubertus, the patron saint of hunters.

117 Activists Destroy 118 Hunting Towers, Liberate 31 Animal in Europe

                Received anonymously: France, Belgium, Switzerland. During the night between the 8th november and the 9th november, 117 activists wrecked, destroyed, burned 118 hunting towers, 10 hunter’s house, dozens of traps, 1 breeding farm, and set free 31 animals. French: Dans la nuit du jeudi 8 novembre 2018 …

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8 Chickens Liberated (UK)

Received anonymously from Unoffensive Animal: 8 chickens due for slaughter were liberated and taken to safety. They will now live out the rest their lives in peace free from suffering.

ALF Sabotages Hunt Station in Val Seriana (Italy)

Received anonymously: July 2018 Val Seriana (Italy). During daytime we devastated a hunters’ shooting station, destroying a dozen cages. Actions like these are simple and suitable for all. A walk in the woods can become an opportunity of action for the animals, even not pre-planned, because often you can bump into facilities owned by hunters. …

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Hunting Towers Destroyed in South of France

According to an anonymous report on, several hunting towers and a hut used by hunters were destroyed in the south of France. “ALF” was painted on site.

Rabbits Liberated from Farm in Treviso (Italy)

According to an anonymous report on, rabbits were rescued from filthy cages at a small farm in the Province of Treviso. Italian: “In un piccolo borgo arroccato in collina in provincia di Treviso, qualcuno ha pensato di farsi il proprio personale allevamento di conigli, in uno stanzone di un rudere adiacente alla propria abitazione circondata …

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Greendale Farm Shop Painted in Devon (UK)

Received anonymously: “Murder!” and other slogans were painted on the door of Greendale Farm Shop in Devon in early November, shortly after the shop began offering a “pick your own Christmas turkey” service.

ALF Liberates 5 Hens, 2 Rabbits (Sweden, Video Included)

Received anonymously (click here for video): The 28th October the Animal Liberation Front in Sweden liberated five hens and two rabbits from a place where they were going to be killed for their meat. They were taken to a safe home. We will continue to fight for the animals, and liberate them from their cages. And we’ll …

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Hunting Towers Toppled (Germany)

Received anonymously from Unoffensive Animal: Multiple shooting towers were toppled on our country walk last week. Fuck hunters.

ALF Liberates Chicken, Duck in Barcelona (Spain)

Received anonymously: 31st October, Barcelona. We celebrated Halloween with the freedom of a chicken and a duck that were living in stinky farms with no fresh air nor sunlight. We were so sorrow for all the animals we left there.. Break the chains! Liberate animals! Go Vegan and Go ALF!

Butcher Shops Locks Glued, Circus Posters Defaced (UK)

Received anonymously: For Barry Horne, RIP – Call for Remembrance Actions To celebrate World Vegan Day on the 1st November we glued the locks of multiple butcher shops in Birmingham, and redecorated the signs of a local Zoo for the half term…again We dedicate these actions to Barry Horne, who died fighting for the animals …

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Hunting Tower Damaged (Slovakia)

Received anonymously: A hunting tower in Dravce (Levoča) was damaged in late October.

6 Chickens Liberated (UK)

Received anonymously from Unoffensive Animal: 6 chickens destined for the slaughterhouse were liberated. They will now live out the rest of their lives in peace at their new home.

74 Chickens Liberated (UK)

Received anonymously from Unoffensive Animal: 74 broilers rescued from a broiler hell house. Now safe in sanctuary, scratching about. If anyone wants to write my car off for me, now would be the right time… Still… Chicken shit still smells better than fried chicken corpse.

Badger Cull Sabotaged (UK)

Received anonymously from the Underground Badger Syndicate (click here to view the video): Disclaimer: All footage found online or foraging under fallen leaves. We do not claim responsibility for any of the actions shown in the video. With the badger cull over in all zones except pilot zones we wanted to put together a little video about …

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