Category: Communiqués

ALF Targets Faccenda Farms, Nandos Supplier (UK)

Received anonymously from Occupy Nandos (click here for video from the action): After the investigation into Faccenda farms who take 2 million lives a week and the #OccupyNandos call to action we want to know why people aren’t raging. We want to know why we aren’t ALL doing something. We are angry and we want to see …

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Hunting Club Sabotaged, Quail Released (San Cesario, Italy)

A hunting club in San Cesario was vandalized during the night of August 1-2. Windows and furnishings were broken, refrigerators overturned, cabinets emptied onto the floor, and “ALF” painted on the walls. Quail were also released from a cage.

Ten Hunting Towers Demolished by ALF (Germany)

Received anonymously from Unoffensive Animal: During the mornings of 1st-2nd August, ten hunting towers were sabotaged in the Kerpen area. Camera traps, salt licks, and bait were removed and the towers left in a state that ensured they would not be used again. The hunters must end their senseless murdering of animals – they are as …

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Slaughterhouse Chained Shut (Sweden)

Received anonymously: In recent years Närke’s slaughterhouse has been visited by several animal rights groups. UNKET started on this unspoken campaign tonight as a team re-chained the gates where horses and cows are brought in to be killed and turned into meat and financial gain. The underground committee against established tyranny calls on everyone to …

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ALF Destroys Hunting Towers (Ukraine)

Received anonymously from Ecological Platform: The Animal Liberation Front (ALF) destroyed several hunting towers for regional hunting in one of the reserves (!) of the Lviv region (Ukraine). Hopefully, the residents of this forest will now live in peace. Often, such towers are in privatized forest areas, and some can be encountered just walking. Don’t be …

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Hunting Towers Destroyed (Sweden)

Received anonymously: Hunt sab July Sweden

Goats Liberated from Farm (Italy)

Received anonymously from Now you are free, free from exploitation, no longer crammed inside four walls and a concrete sky. You are no longer a tool to get pregnant and then become a milk-giving machine, or be fattened to become meat. Italian: Ora siete libere, libere dallo sfruttamento, non più stipate dentro a quattro mura …

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21 Hens Liberated from Egg Farm (Sweden)

Received anonymously (click here for video from the action): 21 hens were rescued from a caged egg farm in Sweden.

ALF Liberates 11 Chickens (Netherlands)

Received anonymously from (click here for video from the action): 28th of July The Animal Liberation Front released 11 chickens from an industrial farm in the Netherlands. Now they can live happily, free from exploitation in a beautiful home.

Hunting Federation Building Targeted with Arson (France)

Received anonymously from Indymedia Nantes (translated by Anarchists Worldwide): Antispeciesist Spasm Attack Against Hunting July 25, 02h45: a glowing crescent smiles at me among the stars. In front of the Ardèche hunting training center, a luminous panel displays 23 °. I make my way towards the building, passing the painted wooden animal targets. Hate rises within me at …

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ALF Liberates 8 Chickens from Free-Range “Hellhole” (Sweden)

Received anonymously: We rescued 8 chickens from a ‘free range’ egg laying facility, that is ‘one of the best in Sweden’ according to themselves. It was a complete hellhole. 10’s of thousands of young hens were there, never able to see day light. Their eggs are stolen every day and they are just waiting for …

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ALF Liberates 3 Pigs from Slaughterhouse (Netherlands)

Received anonymously from (click here for video from the action): On the night of July 28 the A.L.F. rescued 3 pigs from a slaughterhouse.

Chicken Barn Under Construction targeted by ALF (Germany)

Received anonymously: in middle july 2019 we sabotaged a chicken barn construction area in solschen (lower saxony, germany). german statement: mitte juli 2019 sabotierten wir die baustelle für die geplante hühnermastanlage in solschen bei peine. nach fertigstellung dieser neuen mastanlage soll sie eine kapazität von 45.000 hühnern pro mastdurchgang besitzen. wir zerstörten auf der baustelle …

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McDonalds Continues to Incur the Wrath of ALF (Firestone, Colorado)

Received anonymously from Unoffensive Animal: 23rd July, Firestone, CO, USA. Solidarity with our comrades facing trial. Some activist showed up late in the week of solidarity action to redecorate and give a friendly knock to a local McDonalds. The bright red painted messages of peace were washed away quickly, but that window will take a few …

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ALF Targets Another McDonalds in Brighton (UK)

Received anonymously from Unoffensive Animal: As there was a call to action to ‘disrupt McDonald’s however you see fit’ we decided to smash some windows. We also made the decision of hitting the exact McDonald’s our comrade was arrested at for protesting the night before their trial started, to send a clear message; they do not …

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