Category: Communiqués

Butcher Shop Windows Smashed in Portland

via: Rose City CounterInfo. Last night the anarchists made brief appearances at two local butcher shops (Pasture PDX at 1413 NE Alberta st. and Piccones corner at 3434 NE Sandy Blvd). Many windows were broken. Fuck animal murderers and the civilization that enables them. MAKE VEGANISM A THREAT AGAIN

Activists Liberate Two Puppies From Abusive Breeder (Copenhagen, Denmark)

Received anonymously: Neighbors to a person who has a small puppy mill in their home, had countless times contacted police and animal shelters to get help, since they witnessed extreme abuse of dogs, but to no surprise, these entities were of no help. The “breeder” would leave the dogs on their balcony in high temperature …

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40 Hens Liberated from Intensive Farm (Italy)

Received anonymously: North of Italy Liberation of 40 hens from an intensive factory. We antispeciest activists have the task of carry out the animal liberation, of allying ourselves with animals that rebel and cry out for their freedom, and fight against against the disproportion of forces that keeps them enslaved and annihilates them every day. …

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Fox Farms in the USA

An anonymous submission to Unsalted CounterInfo leaked a list of smallholding fox fur farms in the USA: An estimated 25 to 50 fox farms remain in the United States. These are a few of the backyard operations confining and killing foxes, a genetically wild species native to North America: Schmuecker Fox Farm 7796 15th Avenue Trail Luzerne, …

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Banner Hung at MaxMara in Piazza Umberto Giordano Square (Italy)

Received anonymously: Banner with painted writing “No alle pellicce – No to fur” hung and tied in front of the Max Mara store MaMa ( in Piazza Umberto Giordano square. Max Mara is still one of the biggest offenders when it comes to fur and only recently the activist scene in Italy has picked up …

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ALF Liberates 80 Chickens (Trento, Italy)

According to local media, the Animal Liberation Front liberated eighty hens from a smallholding. The owner says this is the second time it has happened and that this time they just left the gate open so they wouldn’t destroy anything if they came back, claiming that the first time they cut the metal fence to …

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20 Hens Liberated from Egg Farm (UK)

Received anonymously: We took action in the middle of the night to save as many lives as we could carry. Scummy egg farmers confine tens of thousands of hens into sheds filled with faeces and rotting dead birds and they get away with it. We targeted a free-range farm that was no better standards than …

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ALF Rescues a Decoy Magpie and Destroys a Larsen Trap (Nottingham, UK)

Delayed report, winter 2023, Nottingham UK. Received anonymously: Just as the new year started we heard rumours of a scumbag shooting birds at the edge of a nature reserve. We decided to go check it out and we found one of the most grotesque scenes we could’ve ever imagined. All around the nature reserve, signs …

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Fire Destroys Storage Barn at Ruef Mink Farm in Oregon (USA)

Delayed Report: The fire destroyed a storage barn at Ruef Mink Farm, 12305 Ruef Lane, in Mt. Angel, Oregon on October 21, 2022. Officer Rossi said the 20,000 square foot barn was a total loss. The source of the fire remains under investigation. No communique claiming the action has thus far been received by the …

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Gays Against Traps Destroy a Hunting Cabin and Smash Traps Inside (Northhamptonshire, UK)

Received anonymously: On a leisure walk around the Northamptonshire countryside we discovered a little cabin next to a pheasant pen. The gamekeeper had secured it properly, with a hefty padlock keeping it shut. Luckily, they had also left a sledgehammer propped against the wall, so knowing we would be finding trinkets we popped the padlock …

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Direct Action Everywhere: Mice and Fish Rescued from Petco During Animal Liberation March in San Francisco

DxE Press Release June 10, 2023, San Francisco, CA – On Saturday afternoon, during the Animal Liberation March in San Francisco, as throngs of people from around the country demonstrated their support for the right to rescue animals from distress and exploitation, a small group of activists performed an open rescue of four mice and …

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Multiple Acts of Sabotage at Butchers (Colorado Springs, USA)

According to a news report, activists have sabotaged Ranch Foods Direct, a butcher in Colorado Springs, Colorado. A vehicle was destroyed by arson, and a copper cooling pipe cut resulting in loss of refrigerated goods. The butcher states he will shut the facility if the vandalism continues. Challenge accepted! See the news video link here. …

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ALF Sabotage Butcher (Eslov, Sweden)

Received anonymously: On the night of 18 July a butcher shop in Eslöv, Sweden that has previously been targeted received one nice new Alf logo and a repainted entrance, to cause some trouble for the animal abusing scum. And if it weren’t for a private security car bothering, the whole building would have been redecorated! …

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ALF Sabotage Fast Food Advertisements in Dublin (Ireland)

Received anonymously: Over several nights many advertising signs were vandalised in Dublin. Advertisement plays a key role in animal exploitation so these signs were turned into anti-speciesist advertisement. Not only does fast play one of the biggest parts in animal genocide it contributes massively to climate change and deforestation of rainforests which is home for …

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Hunting Cabin Destroyed with Hammer (West Yorkshire, UK)

Received anonymously: On the Friday 7th July 2023 I got information about a hunting shed in my local woods (Huddersfield, West Yorkshire UK) I took great offense to the mindless and needless slaughter of innocent creatures, so I went down with my sledgehammer and sent to work, if it gets rebuilt then I shall come …

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