Communiqué from eco-anarchist cell for direct attack Date: November 10, 2008 Institution Targeted: TelMex Received anonymously Sabotage to 4 telmex telephones. On Saturday, November 8, with the means within our reach we sabotaged 4 public telephones belonging to the super millionaire Carlos Slim and his business telmex. Telmex not only financially supports bullfights, but is …
Category: Communiqués
Nov 09
‘Animal Liberation’, ‘Meat is murder’ and other Graffiti
Communiqué from Crew of Vegan Graffiti Date: November 9, 2008 Received anonymously November 7: ‘Animal Liberation’, ‘Meat is murder’ and other graffiti were painted on a federal highway, after breaking a barrier. Urban art as a method of struggle for radical propaganda! Crew of Vegan Graffiti (CGV) Spanish: 7 de Noviembre: ‘Liberación Animal, ‘Carne es …
Nov 09
Burger King Painted and Set on Fire with Molotovs
Communiqué from c.s.e.c.p. Date: November 9, 2008 Institution Targeted: Burger King Received anonymously NOVEMBER 6: INCENDIARY ATTACK AGAINST A FAST FOOD ESTABLISHMENT IN MEXICO CITY (D.F.) In the evening of Thursday, November 6 we painted various slogans referring to animal liberation on the walls and windows of a Burger King; immediately after, a couple of …
Nov 09
Bachoco Stink Bombed
Communiqué from ALF activists Date: November 9, 2008 Institution targeted: Bachoco Received anonymously On November 6 in one of the many establishments of the murderous company Bachoco, we, activists from the Frente de Liberación Animal, had thrown a stink bomb, demonstrating that the subjugation, the enslavement, the torture and the murder stinks of just one …
Nov 08
Chickens Liberated by FLA-CVN
Communiqué from ALF activists Date: November 8, 2008 Institution targeted: Chickens Rescued Received anonymously Prepared and determined activists of the Frente de Liberación Animal – Comando Verde Negro (FLA-CVN) took to the streets November 5 to remember the struggle and fight of our compañero Barry Horne. We had been thinking about visiting another target when …
Nov 07
Communiqué from Multiple Groups in Mexico
In a first joint action: an informal coordination of groups and individuals for action and for animal and earth liberation, between 4 and 5 in the morning of Friday, November 7, 10 ‘Bonanno devices’ (these are: false bombs, molotov’s, incendiary devices… that in this case were 10 false bombs) were placed at the seats of …
Nov 05
Communiqué from ARM, targets UC Berkeley vivisector
Received anonymously On November 5 around 7am, UC Berkeley bird murderer Frederic Theunissen was paid a visit at his home. Red paint was thrown all over the door, walls, and windows. His front door locks were superglued. We are aware that Theunissen has been targeted with underground direct action in the past. The attacks on …
Nov 04
Communiqué from ALF activists against UCLA for vivisection
Received anonymously The torure of monkeys continues therefore so shall we. In thinking of the things that are of importance to the University of Los Angeles, sadly, with high moral standards, fair and just treatment of the innocent and vunerable animals, and responsible and safe medicine not being on the list, we have taken a …
Nov 02
37 TelMex Phones Sabotaged
Communiqué from ALF activists Date: November 2, 2008 Institution targeted: Bullfighting Supporter TelMex Received anonymously During four days last week 37 telephone receivers of public telephones belonging to the ‘telmex’ phone company in Mexico City were cut (with the help of bolt cutters and wire cutters), leaving the phones unusable. Telmex, in addition to being …
Oct 28
Pet Shop, Rotisserie and Bachoco Painted
Communiqué from ALF activists Date: October 28, 2008 Institution targeted: Mexican Companies Received anonymously On October 26 liters of red paint were thrown on the walls and sign of a ‘pet’ shop, the facade of a rotisserie and one of the many Bachoco shops in Mexico City were redecorated as well; all this by the …
Oct 26
Multiple Shops Painted, Windows Smashed
Communiqué from ALF activists Date: October 26, 2008 Institution targeted: Mexico, Shops Received anonymously On October 25 the Frente de Liberación Animal attacked various shops involved in animal exploitation: – The shelves of a poultry shop were spray-painted the color of blood. – The advertisements and facade of a butcher shop were damaged with black …
Oct 24
KFC Painted
Communiqué from ALF activists Date: October 24, 2008 Institution targeted: Mexico, KFC Received anonymously October 23: Activists from the Animal Liberation Front once again have prepared a gift for the speciesists; we spilled a nauseous substance on the walls, windows, entrances and floor of a KFC as well as painted a claim of action from …
Oct 21
Burger King Set on Fire with Incendiary Device
Communiqué from ALF activists Date: October 21, 2008 Institution targeted: Burger King Received anonymously October 19: The Frente de Liberación Animal claims the arson attack against a Burger King. In the early hours of the date indicated an incendiary device was placed at one of the doors, and various slogans were painted. No respite for …
Oct 20
ALF Targets UCLA Commuter Vans for it’s Vivisection
Communiqué from ALF activists Date: October 17, 2008 Institution targeted: UCLA Primate Vivisection Received anonymously There are roughly 12 (give or take a few, they’ll have to find the exact number) of those UCLA vans driving around with unfired shotgun shells in their mufflers. Some of them may have ignited with the warm weather that …
Oct 20
Pilgrim Pride Chicken Company Truck Set on Fire
Communiqué from ALF activists Date: October 20, 2008 Institution targeted: Pilgrim Pride Chicken Company Received anonymously Pilgrim’s Pride is an American company that profits more and more each year at the cost of the suffering and exploitation of non-human animals; maybe this company thought it was immune from radical attacks in Mexico but they were …