Category: Communiqués

Guadalajara FLA Broke Windows and Sabotaged a Pet Store

Communiqué from the Animal Liberation Front Date: April 18, 2009 Institution Targeted: Pet Store Received anonymously: Conscious that animals should live free and not locked up in cages and fish tanks, dominated by human exploitation, the Guadalajara FLA decided to sabotage a pet store in the early morning hours of Monday, April 13. The attack …

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UC Berkeley Vivisector Fredric Theunissen was Window Smashed

Communiqué from Unnamed Activists Date: April 17, 2009 Institution Targeted: UC Berkeley Vivisection Received anonymously: On the morning of February 23, 2009, a window belonging to the UC Berkeley vivisector Fredric Theunissen was smashed. This happened at his home at xxxx Browning St. in Berkeley, CA. The feds are arresting legal activists for free speech …

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ALF México Paint Home of Rooster Breeder

Communiqué from the Animal Liberation Front Date: April 14, 2009 Institution Targeted: Rooster Breeder Received anonymously: On April 13, protected by the night, the ALF of Mexico has once again visited the home of a bastard who breeds roosters to make them fight one another in Mexico State. This time we came to the doors …

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Luddites Sabotage of 35 Telmex Phones

Communiqué from the Luddites Against Domestication of Wild Nature Date: April 12, 2009 Institution Targeted: TelMex Received anonymously: The Luddites Against Domestication of Wild Nature claim responsibility for the sabotage of 35 phones of the biocidal Telmex company on April 11. We have also sabotaged another Telmex phone by placing an incendiary device made especially …

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Bunnies in Quebec Liberated from Petting Zoo

Communiqué from the Animal Liberation Front Date: April 12, 2009 Institution Targeted: Canadian Petting Zoo Received anonymously: April 11, Bunnies in Quebec liberated from petting zoo. Their fate after Easter was unknown, to be sold to the highest bidder (farm to be slaughtered or testing lab) –ALF .

Guadalajara FLA Sabotaged Over 20 Phone Booths

Communiqué from the Animal Liberation Front Date: April 26, 2009 Institution Targeted: TelMex Received anonymously: April 2009: Telmex, one of the companies belonging to the evil businessman Carlos Slim, is an earth-destroying company and also the largest sponsor of bullfighting events among companies such as Coca Cola, Corona beer, etc … it is for this …

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ALF México Sabotage a Pet Store and Seafood Restaurant

Communiqué from the Animal Liberation Front Date: April 9, 2009 Institution Targeted: Pet Store, Restaurant Received anonymously: The night of April 6 the ALF of Mexico decided to carry out sabotage at a ‘pet’ store; in the evening we stained their walls, floors and shutters with black paint, and we also left a message on …

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Brigades for the Liberation of Colima, Sabotaged Over 30 Telmex Phones in 2 Days

Communiqué from Brigades for the Liberation of Colima, Mexico Date: April 5, 2009 Institution Targeted: TelMex Received anonymously: Conscious of the fact that Telmex destroys the land and sponsors bull-torturing events, we of the Brigades for the Liberation of Colima, Mexico have sabotaged over 30 phones in just 2 days. Sabotage is easy, take action. …

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Mexico D.F. Attack Fast Food Chains with Arson

Communiqué from Mexico d.f. Date: March 28, 2009 Institution Targeted: KFC/McDonald’s Restaurants Received anonymously: We claim the sabotage done during the week of March 16 to March 20, 2009: ? an incendiary device was placed in an advertisement for a KFC; the device was effective and the advertisement was reduced to ashes. ? fire set …

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Justice Department Mails Needles to UCLA Vivisectors

Communiqué from the Justice Department Date: March 26, 2009 Institution Targeted: UCLA Primate Vivisection Received anonymously: We sent three ‘greeting cards’ to three nasty primate vivisectors, one to Edythe London at xxxx Edgely Place Los Angeles California 90024, one to Joaquin Fuster at xxxx Pesquera Drive Los Angeles California 90049 and one to Peter A. …

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Iron Bridge Restaurant Gets Threats over Foie Gras

Communiqué from Unnamed Activists Date: March 23, 2009 Institution Targeted: Iron Bridge Restaurant Received anonymously: Tisk, tisk, Iron Bridge. You put foie gras back on your menu after we warned you not to. Word from the wise: when you recieve threats from underground animal liberationists, listen, because we follow through. Now listen, get rid of …

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ALF Liberate Rabbit

Communiqué from the Animal Liberation Front Date: March 20, 2009 Institution Targeted: Unnamed Rabbit Breeder Received anonymously: More images here. On the night of March 6th into the morning of March 7th, 2009 an ALF cell carried out an attack against a rabbit breeder in Hematite, Missouri. We freed one Female Rabbit as our actions …

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KFC Windows Broken

Communiqué from the autonomous rebels for social collapse Date: March 16, 2009 Institution Targeted: KFC Received anonymously: Caught between our fleeting mortal lives and the fleeting ‘freedoms’ allowed to us by the state, we have felt strong sorrow and disgust at the state of the world and our society. Last night, we decided to make …

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Electronic Sit In Against HLS

Communiqué from Unknown Activists Date: March 16, 2009 Institution Targeted: Huntingdon Life Sciences Received anonymously: On Friday, March 13 an “Electronic Sit In” began targeting the websites of RMSBG (HLS auditors), Bayer (HLS customer) and one of HLS’ own websites. The sabotage works when a large number of computers continuously load the target website, tying …

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Luddites Attack Several Business Engaged in Animal Exploitation

Communiqué from the Luddites Against the Domestication of Wild Nature Date: March 15, 2009 Institution Targeted: TelMex Received anonymously: On March 14 several businesses that engage in animal exploitation were glued and several telephones of the biocidal Telmex company also suffered damage by the Luddites Against the Domestication of Wild Nature. México Spanish: El 14 …

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