Luddites Sabotaged 78 Telephones and a Telmex Van

Communiqué from the Luddites Against Domestication of Wild Nature
Date: June 8, 2009
Institution Targeted: TelMex

Received anonymously:

In the first week of June the Luddites Against Domestication of Wild Nature divided into different parts of Mexico State and Mexico City and we sabotaged around 78 telephones belonging to the biocidal Telmex company, in addition we flattened the tires of one of their vans.

Daily sabotage against abuse

En la primera semana del mes de Junio Lxs Ludditas Contra la Domesticación de la Naturaleza Salvaje divididxs en diferentes partes del Estado de México y del Distrito Federal, hemos saboteado alrededor de 78 teléfonos de la empresa biocida Telmex, además de que una de sus camionetas la dejamos con sus llantas ponchadas.

Sabotaje diario contra los abusos