Communiqué from the Frente de Liberación Animal Date: January 22, 2010 Institution Targeted: Coca Cola Received anonymously: On the night of January 17 we decided to go out to once again prove that this war has not ended, that our actions have not stopped and that we continue to feel the rage that we have …
Category: Communiqués
Jan 06
Locks Super Glued in Ottawa
Communiqué from the Animal Liberation Front Date: January 06, 2010 Institution Targeted: Pat Flesher Furs, Canvas Restaurant Received anonymously: On Christmas night haunted by the screams of animals killed for fur all locks to Pat Flesher Furs, in Ottawa, were superglued and the building spray painted. We also stopped at Canvas Restaurant whose owner is …
Jan 06
Institution Targeted: Pat Flesher Furs, Canvas Restaurant
Communiqué from the Animal Liberation Front Date: January 06, 2010 Institution Targeted: Pat Flesher Furs, Canvas Restaurant Received anonymously: On Christmas night haunted by the screams of animals killed for fur all locks to Pat Flesher Furs, in Ottawa, were superglued and the building spray painted. We also stopped at Canvas Restaurant whose owner is …
Jan 01
ALF Liberates Bunnies
Communiqué from the Animal Liberation Front Date: January 01, 2010 Institution Targeted: Canadian Petting Zoo Received anonymously: April 11, Bunnies in Quebec liberated from petting zoo. Their fate after Easter was unknown, to be sold to the highest bidder (farm to be slaughtered or testing lab) –ALF .
Jan 01
ALF Lone Wolf Targets Tiburon in Sandy, Utah
Communiqué from the Animal Liberation Front Date: January 01, 2010 Institution Targeted: Tiburon Received anonymously: The ALF is watching and there is nowhere to hide. The arson at Sandy, Utah, at Tiburon, was done because of their sales of foie gras and other quote, unquote, wild game. Animals exist for their own intents and purposes, …
Dec 29
Hen Liberation in Mexico
Communiqué from the Animal Liberation Front Date: December 29, 2009 Institution Targeted: Unnamed Poultry Farm Received anonymously: On December 27 the frente de liberación animal liberated five hens in a small village southeast of Mexico City. This time in the darkness we entered the property of a person who maintains a small poultry farm; the …
Dec 29
Two Targets in Mexico have Windows Blown out by Explosive Devices
Communiqué from the Animal Liberation Front/ Earth Liberation Front Date: December 29, 2009 Institution Targeted: BBVA Bank, Kenworth Company Received anonymously: At around 3 a.m. on December 24, we left an explosive device stuffed with dynamite at the BBVA bank branch in Ecatepec, Mexico State. At the same time, we left another one of our …
Dec 22
Fur Shop Locks Glued
Communiqué from Unknown Activists Date: December 22, 2009 Institution Targeted: Fur Shop Received anonymously: On the night of Dec 14, the locks were glued at a downtown Salt Lake fur store. Please stop trash talking vegans who do not take part in above ground AR activism. You do not know what they do at night.
Dec 07
Winners Clothing Stores Painted
Communiqué from Unknown Activists Date: December 7, 2009 Institution Targeted: Winners Clothing Store Received anonymously: On the night of Sunday Dec 6th, two Winners clothing stores in the Vancouver area had their front entrances painted red to symbolize the blood of animals dying for their cheap fur trimmed coats. Even after public outcry Winners continues …
Nov 23
University of Utah Vehicles Sabotaged
Communiqué from Students for Animal Liberation Date: November 23, 2009 Institution Targeted: University of Utah Received anonymously: Although it may be cold and snowy outside, University of Utah staff will be in for a warm surprise when they start their vehicles this morning. This evening we placed dozens of surprises deep within the tailpipes of …
Nov 17
Vivisection Lab Painted
Communiqué from the Independent Cell for Animal Liberation Date: November 17, 2009 Institution Targeted: Vivisection Received anonymously: This night we went to the ‘Edificio de Investigacion’ (research building) at the Faculty of Medicine, National Autonomous University of Mexico, in Mexico City. In this place, on the fourth level of the building, a group of scum …
Nov 13
50 Mink Liberated
Communiqué from Unknown Activists Date: November 13, 2009 Institution Targeted: Lang’s Mink Farm The National Animal Interest Alliance (a front group and industry funded lobbying organization for animal commerce and agribusiness) has reported that 50 mink were released from cages at a fur farm in Richmond, Minnesota on September 6th, before liberators were chased …
Nov 10
River City Meat Company’s Trucks Painted
Communiqué from the Animal Liberation Front Date: November 10, 2009 Institution Targeted: River City Meat Company Received anonymously: In the darkness of November 5th, 2009, animal defenders paid visit to River City Meat Company in Kansas City, MO. 5 trucks were covered in black spray paint. The wind shields, every part of the vehicle (body, …
Nov 09
Ducks Liberated
Communiqué from the Animal Liberation Front Date: November 9, 2009 Institution Targeted: Duck Breeder Received anonymously: Once again, united in a cell of the Frente de Liberación Animal – Comando Verde Negro (FLA – CVN), we have taken to the streets to realize the dream of so many lukewarm veg(etari)ans who chant, shout, sing and …
Nov 08
Bomb Hoax at HLS Customer Novartis Pharmaceuticals in Mexico
Communiqué from the Animal Liberation Front Date: November 8, 2009 Institution Targeted: HLS Customer Novartis Pharmaceuticals Received anonymously: November 4, A bomb inside a suitcase was left outside the gates of the Novartis pharmaceutical company, in an area where no camera could catch us. We evaded their security systems once again, demonstrating that the government …