Category: Communiqués

Pheasants Liberated

Communiqué from the Animal Liberation Front Date: March 16, 2012 Institution Targeted: Queener Ridge Pheasant Company Received anonymously: Last night, the night of March 14th, we infiltrated the property Queener Ridge Pheasant Company (40485 Queener Drive, Scio, OR) which breeds ringneck pheasants primarily to be murdered in commercial canned hunts. After jumping a barbed wire …

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Vancouver Furrier Visited

Communiqué from the Animal Liberation Front Date: March 11, 2012 Institution Targeted: Snowflake Furs Received anonymously: the home of snowflake furs owner megan halprin was visited again during the night of march 8. her front lawn was covered in bleach. we like your new banner just for us. your new cameras are nice too, sadly …

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Meat Trucks Burned

Communiqué from unnamed activists Date: January 10, 2012 Institution Targeted: Harris Feeding Company Received anonymously: at about 3:40 am on sunday, january 8th, 14 cattle trucks caught fire at the harris feeding company in coalinga, ca. containers of accelerant were placed beneath a row of 14 trucks with 4 digital timers used to light 4 …

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HLS Investor Targeted

Communiqué from the Animal Liberation Front Date: December 30, 2011 Institution Targeted: Huntingdon Life Sciences Received anonymously: ‘Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the Nercessian house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, but little did they know the ALF was there. …

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Black Faxes to HLS

Communiqué from Unnamed Activists Date: December 27, 2011 Institution Targeted: Huntingdon Life Sciences Received anonymously: RAE Corporation and Tri-Dim Filter Corporation each received 140 black faxes for their involvement with Huntingdon Life Sciences. DROP HLS NOW!! Animal Liberation NOW!

Furshop Owner Visited

Communiqué from Unnamed Activists Date: December 10, 2011 Institution Targeted: Snowflake Furs Received anonymously: During the night of november 26 notorious owner of snowflake furs megan halpren had her house again covered in paint. We know full well that this annoyed you and yet it is not a shadow of the pain, psychological trauma, or …

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Circus Attacked in Mexico

Communiqué from the Frente de Liberación Animal Date: December 2, 2011 Institution Targeted: Circo do Portugal Received anonymously: I want to report you that some guys here in Querétaro de Arteaga-México attacked “Circo do Portugal” with paint bombs and also they wrote in a big truck “Frente de Liberación Animal” and other al phrases. thanks.

Train Sabotage for Walter

Communiqué from Unnamed Activists Date: December 01, 2011 Institution Targeted: Southern Oregon Railroad Posted by Anarchist News On the night of November 28th, 2011, we sabotaged a rail line in Southern Oregon as part of a coordinated effort to disrupt the flow of commerce on the West Coast. We got tired of watching trains pass …

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Turkeys Freed in Vermont by Animal Rights Militia

Communiqué from the Animal Rights Militia Date: November 22, 2011 Institution Targeted: Vermont Turkey Farm Received anonymously: During the early morning hours of November 16, VTARM members liberated 16 turkeys and 2 geese from a road side holding pen. The same location had been visited the previous year. Power to the lights surrounding the outside …

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Mink Liberation in Oregon

Communiqué from The Gordon Shumway Brigade Date: November 15, 2011 Institution Targeted: Oregon Mink Farm Received anonymously: On the evening of September 24, we visited the mink farm on Savola Road in the outskirts of Astoria, Oregon, cutting holes in their fences before making our way through their sheds and opening cages. Capitalism is cancerous …

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HLS Customer Attacked

Communiqué from the Animal Liberation Front Date: October 31, 2011 Institution Targeted: HLS Collaborator Aptium Oncology Received anonymously: On the night of October 27, the ALF decided to help Michele Bollinger, VP of Business Development and Consulting for Aptium Oncology, get into the Halloween spirit. We showed up at the house she shares with her …

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Fur Shop Painted

Communiqué from the Animal Liberation Front Date: October 21, 2011 Institution Targeted: Snowflake Furs Received anonymously: On October 19 animal killers Snowflake furs at the corner of howe and pender streets was again covered in spray paint a reminder of their crimes against wildlife and their ecosystems. As long as you enslave, imprision, torture, mutilate, …

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1000 Mink Liberated

Communiqué from Unnamed Activists Date: October 12, 2011 Institution Targeted: Miller’s Mink Ranch Received anonymously: In the early morning hours of October 12th, we entered Miller’s Mink Ranch on Addy-Gifford Road in Washington, and took down every breeder card in one of the two large, main sheds. We opened approximately 3/4 of the cages, many …

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Fur Shop Burned

Communiqué from the Arson Unit Date: September 26, 2011 Institution Targeted: Rocky Mountain Firework and Fur Company Received anonymously: In the early morning hours of September 26th, a visit was paid to the Rocky Mountain Firework & Fur Company, a shop that (quite foolishly) sells both highly flammable and explosive toys, and the chemically-treated skins …

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KFC Painted

Communiqué from the Frente de Liberación Animal Date: September 15, 2011 Institution Targeted: KFC, Unnamed Reptile Prison, Ostrich Farm Received anonymously: We claim the following actions in sincere support of Tortuga the wild child, and the anti-civilization prisoners of these lands: -With spray paint, we vandalized a Kentucky Fried Chicken; all the front windows were …

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