Hello You Tube. We are anonymous. We are legion. It has come to our attention. that not only human rights are important. but animal rights as well. Both are being oppressed every single day. Both are being denied the right to live freely as we deserve to. Both have the capability to feel emotions …
Category: Communiqués
Sep 28
Fur Shops in Vancouver Vandalized Again
Received Anonymously: Five weeks ago we took action against Snowflake Furs and Speiser Furs in Vancouver Canada. We used 10 large syringes with 16 gauge needles to shoot a foul substance into the stores through small spaces in the doors. Syringes have the ability to shoot more than 25 feet into the building onto their …
Sep 24
ALF Releases Captive Pheasants From Farm in Oregon Friday Night
For Immediate Release: Primrose Pheasant Farm in Canby, OR Targeted (Received Anonymously) Canby, Oregon: In an anonymous communique received by the North American Animal Liberation Press Office, the Animal Liberation Front has taken credit for liberating dozens of captive pheasant bound for slaughter from an Oregon farm on Friday night. You can “Like” the folks …
Aug 27
Primate Products, Inc. Exposed
Communiqué from the Animal Liberation Investigation Unit Date: August 27, 2010 Institution Targeted: Primate Products, Inc. Received anonymously: The Animal Liberation Investigation Unit has obtained damning photographs from within Primate Products, Inc. ( in Miami, Florida. The photographs reveal the true faces of vivisection and the global primate trade.
Aug 08
HLS Supplier Targeted
August 8, 2012 Received anonymously: During the early hours of August 5th, we visited Allison Blackwell, Senior Vice President of Beckman Coulter, at her lovely home in Yorba Linda (5715 Via Del Potrero, Yorba Linda, CA). Her and Beckman Coulter have been supplying HLS with the lab equipment used to test on animals for years. …
Aug 05
ALF Releases Captive Foxes
For Immediate Release August 5, 2012 Elkton, VA: In an anonymous communique received by the North American Animal Liberation Press Office today, the Animal Liberation Front has taken credit for liberating every captive fox on a northern Virginia fur farm on Sunday morning. According to the communique, activists also destroyed equipment used in the exploitation …
Jun 23
Horse Races Sabbed
Communiqué from Racehorse Revenge Date: June 23, 2012 Institution Targeted: Hastings Racecourse Received anonymously: On June 9, the night before the Belmont races we acted in defense of the horses at Vancouver’s Hastings Racecourse. We knew it was expected to be the biggest night of the year for the track so we scattered thousands of …
Jun 17
AMP Website Hacked
Communiqué from Unknown Activists Date: June 17, 2012 Institution Targeted: Americans for Medical Progress Website Received anonymously: Anonymous activists have reported temporarily taking down the website of the pro-vivisection organization Americans for Medical Progress ( on May 29 and again on June 6.
Jun 01
Trapper Website Hacked
Communiqué from Unknown Activists Date: June 01, 2012 Institution Targeted: Trapperman Website Received anonymously: The trapping forum experienced a distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack on May 29. Site owner Paul Dobbins told Trapper & Predator Caller magazine, “We got hacked and the hacker took the server down.” As of June 1, the website is still …
May 23
Vancouver Fur Shops Hit
Communiqué from the Animal Liberation Front Date: May 23, 2012 Institution Targeted: Vancouver Fur Shops Received anonymously: On the night of May 21st four Vancouver fur stores were visited by the ALF. Capilano Furs, Speiser Furs, Snowflake Furs and Pappas Furs were covered in red paint to remind the public of the innocent blood spilled …
May 20
Hens Liberated
Communiqué from the Animal Liberation Front Date: May 20, 2012 Institution Targeted: Oregon Egg Farm Received anonymously: During the second week of May 2012, two activists entered an egg farm located in the Willamette Valley of Oregon. 4 hens were removed from the premises and placed in good homes where they will live out the …
Apr 12
Hunters Sabotaged
Communiqué from the Animal Liberation Front Date: April 12, 2012 Institution Targeted: Sport Hunters Received anonymously: Early this morning in the USA, three anti-hunters toppled a hunting blind, three tree-stands, and smashed a trail camera. As we approached the hunting complex, we stayed in the brush and peered into the hunting blind with binoculars to …
Apr 07
Chickens Liberated
Communiqué from the Animal Liberation Front Date: April 07, 2012 Institution Targeted: Oregon, Washington Farms Received anonymously: Some small actions: January 2012: 6 hens were removed from an intensive egg farm located in the Willamette Valley of Oregon. February 2012: 3 chickens were rescued and re-homed from a broiler farm in Washington state. Escaping the …
Mar 20
Quebec Furs Destroyed
Communiqué from Anonymous Date: March 20, 2012 Institution Targeted: Quebec City Fur Shop Received anonymously: Quebec City, Canada 27 December, 2011 Over a dozen of fur-trimmed winter jackets (most of these were from “Canada Goose” company, who uses down and the fur of trapped wild coyotes,) and close to a dozen of fur hats, scarves …