Open rescue XXVI (March 2016) & Support Keith Mann Few halls, gatehouse and old Škoda in front of it. Few halls and 180 000 pullets inside. So many crippled lives. The night is dark and chilly. Sentry gives us a go. We follow the fence. Slowly, quietly. Once inside amidst cages, we light up our …
Category: Communiqués
Feb 29
50 Pheasants Liberated from Beavercreek, Oregon Game Farm
Received anonymously On the night of February 28th, in an act of love, 50 ringnecked pheasants were liberated from the Estacada Game Farm in Beavercreek, Oregon. These birds would have otherwise been sold to sport hunting outfitters and killed for entertainment. The pheasants thrashed through the air in all directions as they made their way …
Feb 11
Over 100 Hens Liberated in UK
received anonymously: Over 100 hens were liberated during an action last week. The conditions were so horrendous that some were almost completely bald. Now their feet touch grass and they can see the sunshine. These liberations are dedicated to Marion, who recently passed. A friend to many, an inspiration to even more.
Jan 24
Open Rescue of Ducks in Czech Republic
Received anonymously (click here for more photos from the rescue): Open rescue XXV. (January 2016) One chilly night we climbed over a wall of one of many concentration camps. It consists of a slaughterhouse and several sheds with animals. Few steps, little bit of time at the door and we are in one of those …
Jan 22
Italy – Liberation of Ducks Used as Live Decoys
Received Anonymously Some bastard hunters held captive live ducks inside tiny cages in the water. These were intended to attract other ducks, which the killers would shoot with impunity and in a cowardly manner hidden inside a shed. These beautiful animals were released into a pond inside a nature park where it is forbidden to …
Jan 16
Hunt Retribution Squad Active in County Meath, Ireland
Received anonymously A disruption of toilet facilities at the Pillo Hotel in County Meath was carried out due to the hotels support for the hunting revellers after the Ward Union Hunt Ball. The ball was held at the Pillo last year but not this year, however a special hotel bed rate was offered to the …
Jan 11
Argentina – Two Birds Released in Buenos Aires
Received Anonymously Each life is important and unique. A common form of entertainment for the speciesist is to have the precious animals as an ornament, or as a reminder of the logic of their enclosure. That’s how we saw two birds in a house in the suburbs of Buenos Aires and we did not hesitate …
Jan 06
Window Smashed on Hunter’s Car (Italy)
anonymous report: “Rome – action against a hunter On Christmas Eve we discovered a hunter while we was parking his car after his hunting day. We waited until he got himself into his house and we broke the glass of his Suv. Unfortunately the presence of a police car prevented us to do more damage …
Jan 05
Fur Shop, Butcher Shop Vandalized (Italy)
anonymous report: “We were on the first of last November, it was the vegan day, in the night before the All Souls’ day. But we have nothing to celebrate, we have only something to revenge and we have someone’s death to remember. Because of this we visit a furshop, leaving there a clear and present …
Dec 31
Fur Shop Sabotaged in Bilbao, Spain
Received anonymously Past saturday night 19th december, Ramon Ezquerra’s fur shop (Bilbao) was attacked by a group of animal rights activists using acid on glass, spraying the shop and surrounding walls in red, slogans like ‘Asesinos’ (Murderers), ‘Larrua Hilketa Da’ (Fur is Murder), ‘Feliz Navidad Asesinos’ (Happy Christmas Murderers) and blocking the lock with a …
Dec 29
Argentina – Liberation of Rabbits and Sabotage at National University of La Plata
Received Anonymously On the campus where the college of agriculture is, there is an experimental farm which has goats, pigs and rabbits. These are for sale, using the reproductive systems of the animals as a business, by manipulating certain males and females for years as machines of reproduction. The offspring are sold both living and …
Nov 18
Recap of Undercover Footage From Mink Factory Farms in Ontario, Canada Collected in the Summer of 2015
Willow Pond Farm (Scotland, Ontario): Hodgson’s Mink Farm (Wheatley, Ontario): Communiqué (in full): Over the summer of 2015, we visited Willow Pond Fur Farm at 105 Maple Grove Road in Scotland, ON. We documented injured mink with gaping wounds and mink that were too ill to even move. The ground at the farm …
Nov 03
Lone Activist Liberates Foxes, Rabbit from Wisconsin Fur Farm
Received anonymously: In the early hours of October 23rd, 2015, I took a pair of bolt cutters to the back fence of the fox farm on Hospital Road in Burlington, Wisconsin. The first imprisoned animal found was a twenty pound rabbit in a small wire bottom cage. She was either a neglected pet or a …
Oct 28
Activists Re-Visit Guelph Fur Farm in Canada, Inflict Sabotage
In the fall of 2015 we revisited Millbank Fur Farm at 5675 Jones Baseline Road in Guelph/Eramosa, ON. We had intially planned to release more animals from the hell of this factory farm but we were too late – there were no mink left to liberate. We decided to inflict some non-violent economic sabotage instead …