16 Rabbits Liberated from Uruguay Farm

Uruguay_rabbit_Jun16anonymous report, from contra info (translation):

“Early in the morning of June 14, 16 rabbits were liberated from a farm in the Melilla neighborhood.
With pliers and shears in hand we managed to open the way to freedom for all the rabbits who were there and on one of the walls we wrote ‘life is not negotiable, freedom for all animals.’

Down with all the cages of the world, whether there are human or nonhuman animals inside!!
We will not negotiate the freedom of any animal with politicians, whether on the left or right!!!
Freedom is not begged for, it is fought for! Fire to capital!”

“Temprano en la madrugada del 14 de junio fueron liberados 16 conejos de un criadero del barrio Melilla.
Con pinzas y cizallas en mano logramos abrir camino a la libertad a todos los conejos que había y en una de las paredes quedo escrito “la vida no se negocia, libertad a todos los animales”

Abajo todas las jaulas del mundo, tengan animales-no-humanos o humanos adentro!!

No negociaremos la libertad de ningún animal con políticos, sean de izquierda o de derecha!!!
La libertad no se mendiga, se conquista! Fuego al capital!”