Category: North American Communiqués

Hikers Destroy Trap (Quebec, Canada)

Received anonymously: Not far from a hiking trail, fixed on a tree, we spotted a weird black box. Inside, there was a rusted killing device. These are called Conibear / Bodygrip Trap. They are fatal and used for wild fur animals such as muskrat, mink, skunk, marten, bobcat, otter, raccoon and beaver. They could also …

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ALF Sabotage Archery Shop (Montreal, Canada)

Received anonymously: After hearing its owner encouraging bowhunting on a local podcast, we decided to pay a visit to the self-proclaimed best archery specialty shop in the province. The windows have been redecorated and the locks have been glued. We aim to affect the wallet of this store who sells thousands of hunting weapons each …

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Hunting Shop Sabotaged (Montreal, Quebec, Canada)

Hunting store tagged Quebec Montreal

Fast Food Restaurants Sabotaged (Indiana, USA)

Received anonymously: 3 toilets sabotaged at Jack in the Box restaurants by flushing rocks and then paper towels down the toilets. This easily reproducible act of sabotage should be carried at every animal abusing establishment. Hide the rocks in a shopping bag purse or backpack and enter the restroom. Plumbers costs hundreds or even thousands …

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Shoplifters Liberate 51 Lobsters (USA)

Received anonymously: 51 lobsters shoplifted and returned to their natural habitat We shoplifted 51 lobsters over a two day period from supermarkets (causing $600 in economic losses), and returned them to their natural habitat in the Atlantic ocean on the northeastern coast of the so called United States. We acclimated them to the water so …

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Five Fast Food Restaurants Sabotaged (Kansas City)

Received anonymously: 5 toilets at fast food restuarants rendered inoperable. Plumbers are not cheap. We filled backpacks with small stones, entered the restrooms, and flushed. Purses or shopping bags also work. This will clog the pipes and they will have to hire a plumber. A quiet easily reproducible act that costs animal abusers lots of …

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Call to Action to Defend Atlanta Forest (USA)

We have received a Call to Action for everybody to join the fight in Atlanta Forest. We would add for all people who cannot travel to the USA that you can do a lot of things from wherever you are. Learn about the multinational companies that are part of the destruction of the Atlanta Forest …

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ALF Sabotage 6 Hunting Towers (Ontario, Canada)

Received anonymously: After a 5 km walk, we take a break in the bush, impatient, waiting for the sun to set. Tonight, we are finally gonna knock down some hunting towers we had previously spotted from the road in the country. We hope to send a clear message to the animal killers and inspire our …

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50 Deer Liberated from Hunting Farm (Florida, USA)

Received anonymously: On March 27th, 2022, 50 whitetail deer were given access to freedom by dismantling the electric fence and cutting the deer fence that confined them at Sweetwater deer farm in Bristol, Florida. We watched as at least 20 of them escaped into the night, and it was a beautiful sight. Let the wild …

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Banks Sabotaged in Solidarity with Atlanta Forest (USA)

Received anonymously: This month we sabotaged card slots of Wells Fargo and Bank Of America in Center City, Philadelphia. This attack was done in solidarity and complicity with those disrupting the construction of a police training grounds in Atlanta. Cops in Atlanta want to cut down a forest to build a mock city to practice …

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Excavator, Bulldozers Sabotaged in Defense of Atlanta Forest (Georgia, USA)

March, Flowery Branch, Georgia USA. Received anonymously: To Reeves Young: You will have noticed by now that several of your machines have ceased to function, their arteries corroded from within. Last week, we sabotaged six Earth-raping machines——including two large excavators and a bulldozer——at a Reeves Young construction site in Flowery Branch, Georgia. So long as …

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Long Engineering Vehicles Sabotaged (South Atlanta, USA)

Received anonymously: CONCERNING THE DESTRUCTION OF LONG ENGINEERING VEHICLES, ATLANTA GEORGIA: On Mar. 1st, 2022, FIVE large Long Engineering trucks used to do survey work to help delineate destruction in the South Atlanta Forest were destroyed in solidarity with eco defenders currently protecting the forest from being clear-cut to build cop city and more Hollywood …

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Mexican ALF Cell Damages McDonald’s Restaurant (Mexico)

Received anonymously: February 2019 Animal Liberation Front independent cell. Mexico. Claim of responsibility for the sabotage action against a McDonald’s restaurant in Barrio de San Antonio, Puebla, during the night of the 3rd of February 2022. MEAT IS MURDER! We claim responsibility for this action. We oppose ourselves politically and morally against a system of …

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Animal Flesh Destroyed in Minneapolis Market (US)

Received anonymously: We filled a cart with $600 of venison and bison meat at a natural foods grocery store in Minneapolis and left the cart in an aisle and exited the store. Once workers discover the cart, the meat will be spoiled and thrown away. This was a very simple act of sabotage. Replicate.

Bulldozers Burnt in Defense of Atlanta Forest (USA)