Category: International Communiqués

ALF Sweden Liberates 60 Chickens

Received anonymously; click here for video from the action: *60 chickens liberated by Djurens Befrielsefront / ALF SWEDEN from a chicken farm in West Sweden. Now they will get love and live in freedom for the rest of their life. * *Chickens are arguably the most abused animals on the planet. Billions of chickens are …

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ALF Destroys 19 Hunting Towers in Compiegne (France)

Received anonymously, from la Terre d’abord! (translation): During the night of 17 to 18 February 2017, 19 hunting towers were neutralized in the forest of Compiègne, Oise (10 in lot 11, 9 in lot 6). The shooting hunters, dog hunters and the NFB are jointly responsible for the destruction of nature and the mass murder …

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FLA(ALF) Posts Graffiti on Walls in Santiago (Chile)

Received anonymously, from contra info (translation): February 21, on the outskirts of Santiago: A cell of the FLA graffitied the walls of the streets with messages of solidarity and antispeciesism, locked up a meat market with chains and locks and deposited a noise bomb in front of a place that sells animals as food (1). …

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4 Nutria Traps Destroyed in Italy

According to an anonymous report on, four traps used to capture nutrias were destroyed. Click here for video of the action.

ALF Rescues 10 Rabbits in London

Received anonymously: 10 rabbits rescued from a filthy small breeder in london, all cages were smashed up and no rabbit was left behind. ALF

Fur and Leather Shops Painted in Lausanne (Switzerland)

Received anonymously: 8 February 2017: “Murderers” painted on five different fur and leather shops in Lausanne, Switzerland.  

Game Bird Breeder Sabotage in SW England

Received anonymously: while taking a country stroll in south west of england we found a breeding unit for game birds, we cut all of the water pipes, slashed the food sacks and destroyed the feeders. you will not profit from animal abuse. ALF

Hunter’s Truck Sabotaged in UK

Received anonymously: watching a hunter park up his shiney new 16 reg pickup to go shooting we offered a free decorating service. 4 tyres were slashed and paintwork scratched. we are watching you, ALF

100 Hens Released in SE England

Received anonymously: 100 hens rescued from an intensive farm unit in the south east of england all now rehomed.until all are free. ALF

Posters Added to Zapa Stores Selling Fur in France

Receiveed anonymously: On the night of february 1st, two clothing stores of the brand zapa were targeted. The brand sells clothes containing fur and undergoes an anti fur campaign by a legalist association named «france sans fourrure». The campaign targets several brands. Posters were stuck to the shop windows with the brand’s logo, a photo …

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13 Chickens Liberated in Manchester (UK)

Received anonymously: 13 Broiler Chickens liberated from crates outside a slaughterhouse in Greater Manchester on 9/1/17 under the nose of workers and taken to a new home. 4 Broiler Chickens liberated from crates outside the same slaughterhouse and taken to new homes on 2/2/17

Dozens of Hunting Towers Destroyed in Germany

Received anonymously: During the night of January 21-22, four hunting towers in Horbach/Richterrich were sawed down. According to media reports, as many as 30 hunting towers have been cut down in the area surrounding the city of Aachen in the previous six months.

25 Chickens Liberated in Southeast UK

Received anonymously: January, 2017 25 chickens were rescued from a poultry farm in the South East UK. The chicks, not older than 40 days, had endured extensive 22 hours of light per day to maximise growth. The night before they were transported to slaughter, 25 comrades were rescued and taken to safe homes. Slogans were …

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Locks Glued at Butcher Shop in South of France

Received anonymously (translation): On the evening of January 23, 2017, we visited 2 butcher shops in the South of France. We put glue in their locks to inflict economic damage and then we dumped a little bit of black paint so they would have to spend time cleaning instead of selling corpses. In order to …

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Locks Glued at Chilean Meat Market

Received anonymously (translation): Claim of responsibility for sabotage of meat market and animal liberation messages We are enemies of domination. We seek to attack it, however small the action. It is action and not charlatanry. We want to see power, authority and its symbols ruined and there we aim. We see domination and accomplices everywhere, …

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