Category: International Communiqués

30 Hens, 5 Rabbits Liberated (Padua, Italy)

Received anonymously from Padua, Italy About 30 hens and 5 rabbits have been freed from imprisonment that would have ended in their deaths so that the exploiters could savor their bodies.

Two Nutria Liberated, Traps Destroyed (Italy)

Received anonymously from (click herefor video from the action): 2 nutria (Myocastor coypus) have been released from cage traps, and 9 traps were destroyed, at Parco Agricolo Sud Milano (Italy).

Fur Shop, Foie Gras Restaurant Vandalized in Lille (France)

Received anonymously: During the night of January 15-16, several businesses in Lille were vandalized. Windows were broken and messages painted at a Max Mara store (“Their skin, not yours”), a delicatessen (“foie gras = torture”) and a restaurant.

Hunting Tower Toppled (UK)

Reported by the Underground Badger Syndicate: PUBLIC SAFETY WARNING: please take care when walking in the woods during high winds, this structure came down inches from us, someone could’ve been seriously injured. It’s a minefield out there

Hunting Tower Toppled in Bavaria (Germany)

Received anonymously from Unoffensive Animal: January 13th, Germany While protesting against the clearance of a forest near Würzburg/Bavaria we are sending support & greetings to the people protecting Hambi. And we can report 1 hunting tower down.

Warning Painted on Slaughterhouse (France)

Received anonymously (translation): We, independent activists, call for the immediate closure of all slaughterhouses and the abolition of all animal exploitation. We demand the adoption of fundamental rights for all other animals. This message is primarily intended for ignorant and conditioned consumers. It is time to awaken your consciences, to question your actions and expand …

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ALF Hacks French Hunting Websites

Received anonymously: Hacked/Defaced FNC server – Federation Nationale Chasse – FRANCE Hacked/Defaced FNC server – Federation Nationale Chasse – FRANCE IP: – Linux srv-charlie 3.16.0-4-686-pae #1 SMP Debian 3.16.39-1+deb8u2 (2017-03-07) i686 Defaced websites Data recovery and deletion. … …

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ALF Liberates Rabbits in Spain

Received anonymously from Unoffensive Animal (click here to view video from the action): Igualdad Animal filmed 75 rabbit farms. The animal liberation movement is aware that the law does not work to stop the suffering that animals endure in these farms and decides to take action. Inside the farm we find horrible conditions, with multiple bodies rotting inside the …

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Hunting Seats, Tower and Lodge Destroyed (Navarre, Spain)

Received anonymously: According to an anonymous report on, five hunting seats, a hunting tower and lodge were destroyed during the night of January 5-6 in the area of ​​Aranguren (Navarre). Spanish: La caza sólo significa asesinar vidas inocentes. No son un colectivo que ‘ame’ a los animales no humanos, son solo sádicos despiadados que se …

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Butcher Shop Window Broken (France)

Received anonymously: A window was broken, and “Killers” and “Stop Speciesism” painted in red on a butcher shop in Norrent-Fontes during the night of December 31.

Hunting Headquarters Destroyed in Arson by ALF (Ansauville, France)

Received aonymously: During the night of December 27-28, a semi-trailer in Ansauville that served as the headquarters of a local hunting club was destroyed by fire. On the same night, a few miles away, a building belonging to another hunting club was vandalized. “ALF” and “Stop Speciesism” were painted.

Fence Cut, Reindeer Freed in Norway

Received anonymously: Norway. A beautiful start of the new year; On the 1st of January 2019, a group of friends destroyed the fence that kept reindeers captive. They now have the possibility to be free. DEFEND ANIMALS! Never hesitate to liberate!

Shooting Chairs Destroyed (Germany)

Received anonymously from Unoffensive Animal: 3 shooting chairs were brought down near Meiningen/Thuringia in Germany on december 30th

Hunting Tower Arson in Poland

Anti-Hunting Actions by ALF (France)

Received anonymously (translation); click here for more photos from the action: We, activists of the Animal Liberation Front, claim an anti-hunting action on the night of December 31, 2018 in the South-East of France (Bouches-du-Rhône 13). This is a new warning to hunters and their federations; the latter claiming to be the first ecologists of France. They …

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