Category: International Communiqués

100 Hens Liberated (North of England)

Received anonymously: Last night four of us loaded up two cars with industry style chicken transportation crates so that we could maximise the number of precious little beasts that could be liberated from slavery. We arrived at a farm we knew all too well but upon opening the shed hatch we were greeted by barrenness …

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Hen Liberated (UK)

Received anonymously: Whilst out one night investigating, we crept into a major UK family egg farm. The doors were all helpfully left open and unlocked, so the access was easy. We walked into a massive multi-story caged barn, but there were no hens in sight. Ghostly empty rows and rows of empty cages with only …

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ALF Smashes Brighton (UK) Butcher Shop Windows, Again

Received anonymously: Rog-Man Butchers repainted and fixed up their windows so were due another visit. Now they have more broken windows and more to repaint. We hear they are getting massive metal shutters. Perhaps they are scared? Perhaps they should be. We need to realise that we can take down these places by doing, not …

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ALF Destroys Trucks in Arson at Netherlands Duck Slaughterhouse

Received anonymously: The Animal Liberation Front has claimed responsibility for an arson attack in the early hours of May 28 at the duck slaughterhouse Tomassen Duck-to in Ermelo. Five trucks and two trailers were completely destroyed. Activists also attempted to start a fire inside the slaughterhouse. In the claim of responsibility, sent anonymously to Vrije Dier, …

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Hunting Towers Destroyed (France)

Received anonymously: Around May 20, 2020, in a forest in France, we, antispeciesist activists, destroyed 6 hunting towers. We acted in broad daylight, with a hidden face, and without equipment. It is important to remember that it is not necessary to wait for the night to practice this kind of actions. And that it is …

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6 Hens Liberated (France)

Received anonymously: On the night of the 17th of may, in France, 6 hens were helped on their way out of the farm they were held prisoners in. Before going to pick up these people I was afraid, very afraid, stomach ache, lots of movies in my head and in each one everything ended badly …

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3 Hunting Towers Destroyed (Poland)

Received anonymously: 3 hunting towers destroyed. Government has banned blocking hunting so we have no choice.

Swedish sabs take out the trash.

Received anonymously (see below, or click here to view video):

Chicken Farm Spray-Painted (Lower Saxony, Germany)

Receiveded anonymously: 12th may 2020 (ohrdorf, lower saxony, germany): barn at a chicken farm for 159.000 chickens spraypainted. German: am 12. mai 2020 wurden mehrere forderungen wie “keine tierfabriken” und “tierindustrie stoppen” mit farbe auf die mauern der hühnermastfabriken in ohrdorf im landkreis gifhorn gesprüht. in den mastanlagen können je durchgang 159.000 hühner gemästet werden. …

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Brighton Cheese Shop Sabotaged (UK)

Received anonymously from Unoffensive Animal: On the 5th May, we covered our faces, picked up a spray can and headed into Brighton. We were inspired by other actions of this kind which we have seen from others in our area. We are sick of seeing ‘high welfare’ places selling animal products. They think this is guilt …

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Open Rescue: 36 Hens (Czech Republic)

There are three rescue actions in this report with a total of 36 rescued animals, to whom we changed lives for the better. Crushed and beaten lives. Dot. Dust, stink and feathers. Dot. Arrive, leave. Dot. Take someone with us, leave someone behind. Dot. Cry and bang my head on the steering wheel. Dot. To …

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Swedish ALF Sabotages Animal Abusers’ Cars

Received anonymously: Stockholm, Sweden: The cars of animal abusers (cow murderers and rapists) were re-painted, making their dirty business a little more transparent. Red paint was also placed at the cars door handles, to remind them that they have blood on their hands – literally. In Solidarity with Richii Klinsmeister, Swedish animal rights activist, who …

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Shooting Tower, Traps, Pens Destroyed (UK)

Received anonymously from Underground Badger Syndicate: We read the news that some folks were charged with aggravated trespass for sabbing a shoot in Pangdean Farm near Brighton. Because we hate the hunting scum, the cop scum, the judge scum, the justice system scum and basically anyone who puts profit over everything else, we decided that Pangdean …

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Fox Traps Destroyed (Slovakia)

Received anonymously:

71 Hens Liberated (UK)

Received anonymously from Unoffensive Animal: UK lockdown was announced just hours before we were due to set off. What to do? We had planned another rescue in Lincolnshire already and loving homes were waiting. After careful consideration we decided that with only 2 activists (who had already had contact) we could afford one more venture without …

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