Category: International Communiqués

18 Ducks Liberated, Hunting Facilities Sabotaged (Emilia Romagna, Italy)

Received anonymously from Frente de Liberación Animal (click link for video from the action): Emilia Romagna, Italy. A hunting house and a hunting post were destroyed, a boat was seriously damaged and 18 mallards were rescued from an amusement park for mentally deviated psychopaths (hunters). Now the mallards, who were detained as live decoy, have been entrusted …

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Badger Cull Website Hacked- Data Leak of Badger Killers

Received anonymously: When we first read about the Carcase Management System (CMS) website back in February after a leak from the NFU, we knew the secrets it held would be priceless to the anti cull movement. All of the cage trappers, free shooters and assorted badger cull helpers all log, all of their badger killing …

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Hunters’ Shooting Range Destroyed by ALF (Sweden)

Received anonymously: ALF destroyed hunters shooting range, somewhere in Sweden. Until all are free – We fight killers (mördare)!

ALF Liberates 12 Rabbits from Breeding Farm (Italy)

Received anonymously from Frente de Liberación Animal (translation): The Animal Liberation Front emptied a breeding farm and released 12 rabbits from cages full of filth. Now all of them will live happily and safely. They will never be slaves again.

Hunting Towers Dismantled- Watch Video (France)

Received anonymously (see above, or click here to view video): In France around September 8th, 2020. We had been thinking about it for a while now, we had to get on it, because if we didn’t, we knew no one else would do it for us. We have prepared ourselves. and we went there. Dressed all in …

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4 Shooting Towers Destroyed (Netherlands)

Received anonymously: Four shooting structures destroyed in the south of the Netherlands around august 22th.

186 Ducklings Liberated from Foie Gras Farm (Yvelines, France)

186 ducklings were liberated from a foie gras farm in Bazainville (Yvelines) during the night of August 30-31. According to media reports, a message, “Bouffe ton propre foie” (“Eat your own liver”) was found painted on the wall of a barn.

25 Hunting Towers Destroyed (Brittany, France)

Received anonymously: Last weekend, we put down 25 hunting towers in the forest of Villecartier (Brittany, France). French: Le week-end dernier, nous avons détruit 25 miradors de chasse dans la forêt de Villecartier (Bretagne).

Repeated Sabotage at Hunting Shop (Sweden)

Received anonymously: A hunting shop has repeatedly been marked with messages and got glued locks since they opened this year. And this will continue till the day it is closed down for good. // friends of the animals

Update: Bombs Left for German Meat Entrepreneur Clemens Tonies

In a letter of claim sent to the Spiegel, RAZ (Revolutionary Action Cells) and Westfälischen Animal Liberation Front explain how and what they set up incendiary devices in the front of Clemens Tönnies house in Gütersloh. The incendiary devices were not set alight, but sent a clear message in relation with Clemens decision to maintain …

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Cheese, Butcher, Fish Shops Graffitied (France)

According to media reports, a cheese shop, butcher shops and a fish shop in Paris were graffitied during the night of August 31-September 1. “Not your mother, Not your milk” and other slogans were painted on shop windows.

Badger Cull Millionaire Simon Orbell Visited Again (UK)

Received anonymously: Night 3/3. Simon and Lucy – We sticker bombed your neighbourhood. Every Lampost, for sale sign, and road sign has stickers of badgers on. Your neighbours will be reminded that they have killers in their community every road they turn down. Unless you take them down promptly as we noticed you did the …

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Anti-Speciesist Slogans Wheatpasted in the Streets of Strasbourg and Marseille (France)

Received anonymously: Not really a hit report but spotted overnight 26 August 2020 in Strasbourg and Marseille France – antispeciesist collages / postering. Great sort of pictures to motivate other activists elsewhere maybe? Super simple to prepare and do… All you need is A4 paper, acrylic paints, potato starch glue, some awesome slogans and a …

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Badger Cull Supporter Simon Orbell Gets His House Painted (Guildford, UK)

Received anonymously: We received these pics showing the newly decorated Syntech office in Guildford and the owner of the companies house. Simon Orbell is the man who has a million pound contract for the tracking devices used by badger killers in the senseless Badger cull which is being paid from tax payers money. Apparently neighbours …

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7 Shooting Structures Destroyed (Allauch, France)

Received anonymously: A message from “The ayatollahs de l’cologie” : In France, around August 23, we, antispeciesist activists, destroyed 6 hunting towers and 1 hunting hunt outside the city of Allauch. We call on all the antispeciesists : Destroy every hunting tower aroud you ! It is easy, everyone can do it, especially when it …

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