Received anonymously: A.L.F. 05.11.2022 at 01:00 2 members of the A.L.F. saves 21 hens from 2 different intensive farms in memory of Barry Horne
Category: International Communiqués
Nov 14
Hen Rescued at Slaughterhouse, In Memory of Barry Horne (South America)
Received anonymously: Anti-speciest individuals carried out an animal liberation rescue from a poultry slaughtering industry. The action was carried out while a truck, loaded with live chickens, entered the torture center and slaughterhouse. Moment in which it was possible to materialize the extraction of a bird that had managed to escape from the despicable plastic …
Nov 12
Activists Target Foie Gras Restaurant (Utrecht, Netherlands)
Received anonymously: ENGLISH: Recently we received this picture; spotted by someone in Utrecht. Apparently this graffiti was already there for several weeks! Even though we did not do this (and it’s not up to us to talk in the name of the person(s) that did this), we did wanted to share it. Apparently more people …
Nov 11
Eight Chickens Liberated from Farm in Argentina (Buenos Aires)
Received anonymously: ENG (translation) Thousands of buildings for the kidnap and murder go animals and the passivity that makes us accomplices to their death. That complicity is normalising it, conforming, that complicity is their death penalty. Where is the fight against the use and murder of animals? In a few outreach campaigns, teaching those monsters …
Nov 08
Open Rescue of Ducks (Czech Republic)
Rescue Action (November 2022) I don’t want to go to places like that anymore. It’s the same misery just in different scenes. It’s getting harder to leave.We went to rescue ducks. We took nine of them. One of them was lying on her back. Weak and light. In that moment I held her in my hands I knew it was bad. She died just a …
Nov 08
ALF Destroys Mink Traps in Memory of Barry Horne (UK)
Received anonymously: Nature reserves should be a sanctuary for ALL wildlife, regardless of species. But that’s not the case at Westhay National Nature reserve. What should be a place of safety was instead totally covered in traps. Mink rafts containing mammal traps barely hidden under plastic boxes and many visible from the public footpaths. Any …
Nov 05
Quiénes son y cómo cayeron los antiespecistas acusados de quemar camiones carniceros en Quilicura
Por Nicolás Parra Tapia, Felipe Díaz Montero y Camilo Suazo. Viernes 04 noviembre de 2022 | 14:04 Una a una los detectives fueron recogiendo las migajas que el grupo que atacó un centro de distribución de carnes en Quilicura dejó en el camino mientras huían. Desde el 19 de septiembre en adelante los policías comenzaron a reconstruir la ruta …
Nov 04
5 Pigs Liberated from Intensive Breeding Facility
Received via 296 Liberation Animal: VIDEO STORY OF THE « OPERATION ROSE » : LIBERATION OF FIVE PIGS IN AN INTENSIVE BREEDING, BY THE COLLECTIVE 269 LIBÉRATION ANIMALE . Direct action illustrated by the videographer @lucie_aragon who has been documenting the fight of antispeciesists for several years and who joined us during this twentieth liberation …
Nov 04
ALF Destroys Badger Cages, Sabotage Tractor (Northamptonshire, UK)
Received anonymously: In the middle of the night, guided by the bright lights of the machines building the monstrosity that will become HS2, we paid a visit to a farm in south Northamptonshire. We were not looking for badger cages, but that is what we found; piled up in a dark corner, surrounded by calves …
Oct 29
Mouse, 8 Worms Liberated from Pet Shop (Czech Republic)
Received anonymously: Our brothers and sisters, who are imprisoned in pet shops and reduced to mere commodities are pretty much forgotten. We managed to rescue 1 mouse and 8 worms. Still, we are sorry that we were not able to free all of them, but at least these creatures have had their lives changed. They …
Oct 28
Bear Hunt Infrastructure Attacked (Sweden)
Received anonymously: In solidarity with the hunt saboteurs who defended the bears in the Woods, a gang of anonymous activists crashed the bear hunt in Sweden. Among other things: vandalizing a shooting range, destroying hunting towers, and sending personal messages, both to the hunting organisation, and to individual hunters: “STOP KILLING BEARS!”. – UNTIL ALL …
Oct 21
Grupo de Respuesta Animal Burns Meat Packing Plant (Chile)
Received anonymously: Most of all I regret my restraint, because regardless of the damage we caused to those businesses, if those farms are still open, if even one animal was left behind, then it wasn’t enough. I do not intend to rid myself of the consequences of these acts by begging for mercy or appealing …