Author's posts

Windows Broken at Cheese Shop in Wambrechies (France)

During the night of July 16-17 several windows were broken and “Stop Speciesism” painted at a cheese store in Wambrechies.

6 Butchers/Fishmongers Attacked in Barcelona

Received anonymously: The past saturday night (14/7/18) 6 butchers/fishmongers were attacked in Sabadell (Barcelona), locks sealed with glue and toothpicks and slogans were painted on the front of the shops. For animal liberation and the end of explotation Spanish: La noche del sábado (14/7/18), fueron boicoteadas 6 carnicerías/pescaderías en Sabadell, las cerraduras fueron selladas con …

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5 Butchers Sabotaged in Monzese and Vimodron (Italy)

Received anonymously During the night of July 10-11, locks were glued and messages painted at five butcher shops in Cologno Monzese and Vimodron, Italy.  

Restaurants Targeted in Sweden

Received anonymously: McDonalds, subway and anything meat related hit in sweden! ‘I do it for the animals, they cant turn a blind eye now’

Restaurants Targeted in Sweden

Received anonymously: McDonalds, subway and anything meat related hit in sweden! ‘I do it for the animals, they cant turn a blind eye now’

5 Hunting Towers Destroyed in Vaugneray (France)

Received anonymously: In Vaugneray, France between June 29 and July 1, five hunting towers were destroyed, and “Sadistic Hunters” and “ALF” painted on a cabin used by a hunting club.

Ag Alliance: Animal rights activists focused on ‘animal liberation’

By AGDAILY Reporters From taking extreme action to liberate livestock to discussing the reproductive rights of female animals, animal rights activists covered it at all at their latest conference. And the Animal Agriculture Alliance has all the details, releasing a report today with their observations from the Animal Rights National Conference, held June 28 through July …

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Open Rescue of Pig from Slaughterhouse in Belgium

Report by 269 Libération Animale – Belgique on July 4 (click here to view video from the action): Early this morning, more than 70 activists of 269 Libération Animale have entered into the slaughterhouse of Tielt in Belgium in order to release an individual. Following the offensive activism led against the speciesist & initiated by the organization, all the …

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Open Rescue of Pig from Slaughterhouse in Belgium

Report by 269 Libération Animale – Belgique on July 4 (click here to view video from the action): Early this morning, more than 70 activists of 269 Libération Animale have entered into the slaughterhouse of Tielt in Belgium in order to release an individual. Following the offensive activism led against the speciesist & initiated by the organization, all the …

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Zoo Graffiti in Sweden

Received anonymously: Swedish zoo keepers think that they are heroes for locking in innocent beings when they really are just as bad as the nazists was at Auschwitz. Lets remind them about that

McDonald’s Targeted in Sweden

Received anonymously: McDonald’s hit in Sweden. Not even McVegan can save McDonald’s.    

July 2018 Newsletter

More than 30 chickens, ducks, and turkeys were rescued from the horrors of factory farming and slaughter thanks to the actions of many dedicated individuals willing to act on behalf of the animals worldwide!   July 2018 Seven Actions. Five Countries. Three Months. 30+ Lives Saved. Chickens, Ducks, and Turkeys Liberated in Canada, Czech Republic, Brazil, Philippines, and …

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Another Butcher Shop Attacked in France

The glass door to a butcher shop in Yvelines was smashed on the night of July 1. The slogan “Stop Speciesism” was painted on the window. “By the time I arrived in my shop, there was no one there, I found bricks on the floor and a tag on the window,” the butcher told local …

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18 Chickens Liberated from Backyard Breeder (UK)

Received anonymously, from Unoffensive Animal: 18 chickens liberated from a backyard breeder. Very poor barren living conditions without acess to food, water or any sort of enrichment They are all now in lovely new homes and will live out the rest of their lives how chickens deserve to with plenty of dust baths, fresh food and …

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18 Chickens Liberated from Backyard Breeder (UK)

Received anonymously, from Unoffensive Animal: 18 chickens liberated from a backyard breeder. Very poor barren living conditions without acess to food, water or any sort of enrichment They are all now in lovely new homes and will live out the rest of their lives how chickens deserve to with plenty of dust baths, fresh food and …

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