Restaurant Painted in Mexico

Communiqué from ALF activists
Date: May 9, 2008
Institution targeted: Mexico, Restaurant

Received anonymously

Before the animal genocide, a radical response!

On the night of May 9, in a small town in Mexico State, the luxurious white pickup truck of the owner of a large restaurant that markets the bodies of innocent animals killed for money, received special treatment by the Frente de Liberación Animal, because while the bourgeois speciesist and his lackey aides were sleeping in their business for fear of being a target of
another of our attacks, his truck paid the price; liters of red paint were spilled leaving it completely ruined.

Death to speciesism and to its protectors!

¡Ante el genocidio animal, respuesta radical!

La noche del 9 de Mayo, en una pequeña localidad del Estado de México, la lujosa camioneta blanca del dueño de un gran restaurante que merca el cuerpo de animales inocentes asesinados por dinero, recibió un trato especial del Frente de Liberación Animal, porque mientras el burgués especista y sus lacayos ayudantes dormían en su negocio por miedo a ser blanco de otro ataque nuestro, su camioneta pago el precio litros de pintura roja se derramaron en aquel objetivo dejándolo totalmente estropeado.

¡Muerte al especismo y a sus protectores!