Mexico, Restaurants Painted and Sabotaged

Communiqué from ALF activists
Date: May 10, 2008
Institution targeted: Mexico, Restaurants

Received anonymously

On May 10, the walls, floor and windows of 2 large restaurants in Mexico State were painted by the FLA, and their large grills were made unusable.

Take what you have, get out on the street and start the war against animal exploitation!

Organization, self-management and direct action!

FLA México

El pasado 10 de Mayo, las paredes, piso y ventanas de 2 grandes restaurantes del Estado de México recibieron pintas animalistas por parte del FLA, asi como tambien sus grandes parrillas quedaron inutilizadas .

¡Toma lo que tengas, sal a la calle y empieza la guerra contra la explotación animal!
¡Organización, autogestión y acción directa!

FLA México