3 Turkeys Liberated (UK)

Received anonymously:

As millions of turkeys are soon to be massacred, all in the name of ‘celebration’, we saved three individuals who would have been killed for a Christmas dinner.

We could see the scumbag farmers settling in to go to bed. We watched as they turned out their lights, not knowing that they were being spied on. We waited until we knew we would be able to safely save the lives of three birds.

We crept towards the shed, popped the lock off the door and saw hundreds of turkeys. Knowing that we could only take three, it was difficult leaving the others behind.

This action will not change the world, but it will change the world of these three turkeys.

Fuck celebrating violent holidays like ‘Thanksgiving’ with more violence. Fuck acting like Christmas is a time to be kind when it’s plagued with blood and suffering. Go smash those cages. Go liberate who you can. We must fight against this oppressive system.

To the three individuals who were rescued: you will now know peace, love and respect. You will be given everything you desire to lead a fulfilling life. We hope that your siblings find a way out too.