Windows smashed, car tyres slashed, electronic devices stolen and documents retrieved. In Hambacher Forst the fight continues. RWE’s Inogy department has a business working for them. They have spent some time mapping the trees and where the bats, birds and mice live to make it easier to kick them out of the forest before the cutting. This forest is their home and we are not willing to allow it. Yesterday we forcefully entered the cars to leave a polite note asking them to leave the animals alone. They came back today and parked in the same spot, hanging camera traps on trees. After getting rid of the cameras two cars were targeted and windows and mirrors were smashed. The tyres have been slashed and all the documents with the location of the animals were retrieved and destroyed. GPS devices were also taken and destroyed. True animal liberation comes with a cost. We must destroy the teeth of capitalism. We will not allow the death of this forest and it’s animals for the profit of some. Leave the coal in the ground. Solidarity with Hambi4, still locked up in prison. Animal Liberation Front. |
Mar 15