Brigades for the Liberation of Colima, Sabotaged Over 30 Telmex Phones in 2 Days

Communiqué from Brigades for the Liberation of Colima, Mexico
Date: April 5, 2009
Institution Targeted: TelMex

Received anonymously:

Conscious of the fact that Telmex destroys the land and sponsors bull-torturing events, we of the Brigades for the Liberation of Colima, Mexico have sabotaged over 30 phones in just 2 days.
Sabotage is easy, take action.

Concientes de que Telmex destruye la tierra y patrosina actos para torturar toros, las Brigadas por la Liberacion de Colima Mexico, hemos saboteado mas de 30 telefonos en tan solo 2 dias.
El sabotaje es facil, llevalo a cabo.