FLA Liberates 3 Ducks from Catholic Church

Communiqué from the Animal Liberation Front
Date: January 12, 2009
Institution Targeted: The Catholic Church

Received anonymously

January 11:

The Catholic church is one of the most cowardly and manipulative institutions that anthropocentric human existence has had, that justifies the murderous speciesism that plagues all animal species today, with the prostituted writings of its book called the Bible.

In Mexico, many people’s beliefs tend toward Catholic fanaticism, for many years the priests have almost completely destroyed the instincts of wild freedom, replacing them with religious moral monotony and the fear of ‘spiritual hell,’ many of these fanatic people are capable of the very worst in order to defend their dogmatic positions and their ‘holy’ churches, but we the Frente de Liberación Animal – Comando Verde Negro wanted to confront this threat so in the evening of the date indicated we cut a fence that had protected one of the many churches in Mexico State which had imprisoned some animals and we managed to rescue 3 ducks that surely would have been tortured and killed by these religious bastards.

After their rescue we transported the ducks to their natural habitat, where they can now enjoy their freedom without bars and without poor treatment, where they can swim and eat what they need.

Take a risk, dare yourself, and you will achieve animal liberation!


11 de Enero:

La iglesia católica es una de las instituciones mas cobardes y manipuladoras que haya tenido la existencia antropocéntrica humana, pues justifica el especismo asesino que hoy azota todas las especies animales con las escrituras prostituidas de su libro llamado biblia.

En México las creencias de muchas personas se van al fanatismo catolicista, pues desde hace muchos años los curas han destruido casi por completo los instintos de libertad salvajes sustituyéndolos por la monótona moral religiosa y el miedo al “infierno espiritual”, mucha de esta gente fanática es capaz de lo peor con tal de defender sus posturas dogmaticas y sus “santas” iglesias, pero nosotrxs el Frente de Liberación Animal – Comando Verde Negro quisimos afrontar esa amenaza y por la noche de la fecha indicada hemos cortado la reja que protegía una de las tantas iglesias del Estado de México en donde tenían presxs a algunxs animales y hemos logrado rescatar a 3 patos que seguramente serian torturados y asesinados por esxs bastardxs religiosos.

Después de su rescate hemos transportado a los patos a su habitad natural, en donde pueden ya, disfrutar de su libertad sin mas rejas y sin mas malos tratos, en donde pueden nadar y comer lo que necesiten.

¡Arriésgate, atrévete y lograras la liberación animal!