Petstore, Maseca Restaurant Painted

Communiqué from ALF activists
Date: August 28, 2008
Institution targeted: Petstore, Maseca Restaurant

Received anonymously

August 23:
Speciesist businesses received a visit from the ALF when at night on this day the facades of a pet store and Maseca, a genetically-modified tortilla establishment were painted, warning them of what will come if they do not stop the abuse of the earth and the animals.
A fire to modernity, stones to consumerism, we break the systematic yoke.
ALF- México

23 de agosto:
Negocios especistas recibieron la visita del ALF, cuando por la noche de la fecha dicha se pintaron las fachadas de una tienda de mascotas y un establecimiento de tortillas transgénicas llamada Maseca, advirtiéndoles lo que vendrá si no detienen el abuso contra la tierra y lxs animales.
Fuego a la modernidad, piedras al consumismo, rompamos el yugo sistemático.
ALF- México