Meat Market Painted in Mexico

Communiqué from ALF activists
Date: August 28, 2008
Institution targeted: Meat Market

Received anonymously

On August 24, the FLA of México carried out another attack against the meat industry. This time a meat market was redecorated with various paints on their walls and curtains; the spotlights were expropriated (for future actions); we spilled paint on their tiles and threw stones at a large lamp that illuminated this genocidal business.
Turn your fury into action!
Infinite sabotage to anthropocentrism!

El pasado 24 de agosto, el FLA de México llevo a cabo otro ataque en contra de los comercios cárnicos, esta vez, una carnicería fue redecorada con diversas pintas en sus paredes, su cortina y la parte superior de estas, se le expropiaron los focos (para futuras acciones), se derramo pintura en sus azulejos y se apedreo una lámpara grande que iluminaba tal negocio genocida.
¡Convierte tu rabia en acción!
¡Sabotaje infinito al antropocentrismo!