FLAM Painted Restaurant

Communiqué from ALF activists
Date: January 31, 2008
Institution targeted: Coacalco (Mexico) Restaurant

Received anonymously

On the night of January 27 in the town of Coacalco, Mexico State, activists from the Frente de Liberacion Animal Mexico (FLAM) dedicated ourselves to an attack on a restaurant selling the dead bodies of chickens and rabbits. We could not sit back and do nothing– the entire facade of the restaurant (tiles, shelves, windows, walls) were covered with slogans, ‘Meat = Death’, ‘Murderers!’ And ‘FLA’.
We can all contribute to this fight, do not continue just watching– take action!
Revenge for the animals!

Ataque a restaurante/Mexico

La noche del 27 de Enero en el municipio de Coacalco, Estado de Mexico activistas del Frente de Liberacion Animal Mexico (FLAM) nos dedicamos a atacar un restaurante en donde se venden cadaveres de pollos y conejos, no nos pudimos quedar sentados sin hecer nada y toda la fachada del restaurante (azulejos, repisas, vidrios, paredes) quedaron manchadas con la consignia rebelde y animalista de Carne=Muerte, Asesinos! y FLA.
Todos podemos contribuir a esta lucha, no te quedes viendo esto y sal a hacer accion!
Venganza para los animales!