Category: News Articles

Police: Michigan Dog Breeder Beat Close To Death, Ear Cut Off For Abusing Pit Bulls

A Michigan dog breeder was reportedly tied, beaten and had his ear cut off, possibly in retaliation for his involvement in dog fighting, police say. The 52-year-old dog breeder from Detroit had at least 16 pit bulls chained up in the backyard of one of his homes, as well as another dozen dogs living in …

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Animal Rights Extremists: Pair Took Law into Their Own Hands

06/10/16 FBI Bulletin On an August night in 2013, a family-owned mink farm in Morris, Illinois came under attack. Approximately 2,000 minks were released from their cages, an acidic substance was poured over two trucks parked on the property, and a sign spray-painted on the barn declared, “Liberation is Love.” Some 24 hours later, when …

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Animal rights group claims responsibility for bus arson

A Finnish animal rights group has reportedly claimed responsibility for setting fire to several long distance buses parked at a bus depot in Vantaa, which caused more than one million euros in damage Friday morning. The activist group said the action was a protest against the bus company Pohjolan Matka, saying the firm cooperates with …

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USDA publishes 2015 Animal Research Statistics

From “Speaking of Research”, a pro-vivisection, anti-activists website. by Editor Congratulations to the USDA/APHIS for getting ahead of the curve for a second time and making the US the first country to publish its 2015 animal research statistics. Overall, the number of animals (covered by the Animal Welfare Act) used in research fell 8% from …

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Two Heroes Off to Prison

Chad Nelson | @cnels43 | Support this author on Patreon | May 3rd, 2016 Center for a Stateless Society What a sick world we live in where Joseph Buddenberg and Nicole Kissane, two individuals so passionate about the lives of the earth’s most vulnerable, must fight for their own lives for having the courage to …

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Animal Rights Activist Sentenced to 2 Years in Prison for Vandalism, Freeing Mink

Democracy Now! An animal rights activist has been sentenced to two years in prison on accusations of freeing mink from fur farms and vandalizing property linked to the fur and meat industries. Joseph Buddenberg had been charged under the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act, a 2006 law that elevates crimes like vandalism to terrorist offenses if …

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$100K reward offered for ‘animal rights extremists’ after 500 minks freed in Ontario

The Canada Mink Breeders Association is offering up a $100,000 reward for any information leading to the capture of what it calls the “animal rights extremists” responsible for releasing 500 minks from a southwestern Ontario farm. Ontario Provincial Police were called to the farm in Brant County after a report of a break-in Saturday morning, after holes were …

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Police investigate alleged vandalism after 500 minks set loose in southern Ontario

Animal-rights ‘extremists’ blamed after holes were cut into walls in a Brant County farm overnight and minks set loose; newborn kits might die as a result, say OPP.       By Nicole Thompson, The Canadian Press Sat., April 30, 2016 BRANT COUNTY, ONT.—Police are investigating what they’re calling an act of vandalism — and what …

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Animal Activists Are Shouting Out Their Crimes Online

By Josh Saul Nicole Kissane and Joseph Buddenberg spray-painted the word killer in red on the front of Furs by Graf in San Diego, glued the locks, and sprayed smelly butyric acid into the store. The animal rights activists then walked to the homes of the store’s elderly owners, where they spray-painted animal murderer in …

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Retired FBI Agent’s First Novel Shows It Is Not Only Our Enemies Who Betray Us . . .

Press Office note: The whole book is based on a lie; this so-called FBI agent never infiltrated the ALF, but posed as an animal rights campaigner for a year or two before being called out by activists. That’s it. Fortunately, no activist ever really suffered from her largely incompetent efforts, but she is no less the …

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Animal Rights: “A Very Noble Cause” or Terrorism? The State Just Can’t Decide

By Kelly Hayes, Truthout | Interview On Tuesday, animal rights activist Tyler Lang(above, on left) received a sentence of time served for his role in freeing 2,000 mink from a fur farm and spray-painting “Liberation is Love” on the side of a barn in Morris, Illinois, in August 2013. The fur farm closed down as …

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Second Animal Rights Activist Sentenced In Illinois Mink Farm Case

Tyler Lang(left), an animal rights activist from California, was sentenced Wednesday for his involvement in freeing 2,000 minks from an Illinois fur farm in 2013. U.S. District Judge Amy St. Eve sentenced Lang to three months time already served, six months of house arrest, six months community confinement and one year of supervised release. He is also required to make a $200,000 …

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Six people arrested after brawl between circus members and animal rights activists in Dublin

The altercation took place outside the camp of the Belly Wien circus, on the Greenhills Road in Tallaght, at around 2.30pm Six people were arrested earlier today following a brawl between members of a circus, and animal rights activists in Dublin. The altercation took place outside the camp of the Belly Wien circus, on the …

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Animal activist who released thousands of minks gets 3 years in prison

Chicago Tribune On a summer morning nearly three years ago, residents of downstate Morris awoke to a peculiar sight. Minks were everywhere. Running through yards, darting under parked cars, scurrying across farm roads on the way into town. Dozens of the animals lay dead in the road, killed by traffic. Others splashed in lawn sprinklers …

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Monsanto Research Facility Burned To The Ground

Maryland — Earlier this week, a Monsanto research facility in France was burned to the ground. Monsanto and investigators suspect an arsonist was responsible for the blaze. Monsanto representative Jakob Witten told Reuters that investigators “strongly suspect it was a crime as no electrical or other sources were found.”He added that “No Monsanto sites in Europe have …

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