Category: Essays

Uniting Our Struggles: Where Animal Liberation and Anti-Oppression Meet

from Earth First! Newswire by liz gurley flynn Days ago, a supporter of the Animal Liberation Front issued a communique calling for movement support and action in dismantling the fur industry. At first glance, that this call was delivered to the Earth First! Journal Collective may seem peculiar. The North American Animal Liberation Press Office …

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Why science is telling all of us to revolt and change our lives before we destroy the planet

By Naomi Klein, October 29, 2013.  Source: AlterNet In December 2012, a pink-haired complex systems researcher named Brad Werner made his way through the throng of 24,000 earth and space scientists at the Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, held annually in San Francisco. This year’s conference had some big-name participants, from Ed Stone …

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Anonymous Hacktivist Jeremy Hammond’s Court Statement Upon Being Sentenced to 10 Years In Jail

By Jeremy Hammond [jeremy Hammond was sentenced to ten years in prison for hacking Stratfor communications, then releasing the personal account and email info of over 800,000 people, plus the credit card info of 60,000 people. This is his statement. ] Good morning. Thank you for this opportunity. My name is Jeremy Hammond and I’m …

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The Non-Violent War on Terror, 2013

How Animal Liberation Activists Are Destroying the Cruel Fur Trade in America The North American Animal Liberation Press Office October 12, 2013 While the American government and mainstream media have been fond of late of labeling every act of human and non-human liberatory effort as some form of terrorism, there is a far greater amount …

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Animal rights and environmental terrorism

Animal rights and environmental terrorism Steve Cooke Abstract Many paradigmatic forms of animal rights and environmental activism have been classed as terrorism both in popular discourse and in law. This paper argues that the labelling of many violent forms of direct action carried out in the name of animal rights or environmentalism as ‘terrorism’ is …

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Socialists and the animal question

By Jon Hochschartner Despite government repression of animal activists, in many ways there has never been an easier time to be vegetarian or vegan. One can find a wide selection of food without animal products in the most unlikely of places, such as small towns of upstate New York, where typical accoutrement is not tie-dye …

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LP Hoopla Interview with Press Officer Nicoal R. Sheen Recently I interviewed Nicoal of the Animal Liberation Front Press Office. This is an organization I have heard a bunch of but knew very little about so decided to shine some light on them. Even if this is not my personal approach to being vegan for some it is and understanding is always helpful. …

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The Cruelty of Industrial Technology

There is no brutality as wicked as systematic cruelty, and systematic cruelty only becomes widespread by aid of technology. When I was a young man before and leading up to my Vegan awakening I built slaughterhouses. Industrial plumbing, welding. structural steel and machine installation were my daily routines. One of those machines was called ‘the …

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Matt Miner’s Liberator, comic review by Press Officer Nicoal R. Sheen

Matt Miner’s Liberator is raw, realistic and revolutionary… Liberator is a honest portrayal of an animal activist’s battle for justice in a society which embraces institutionalized speciesism. In the first issue, readers peek into the duel life of Damon Guerrero, an underground animal liberation operative by night and a barista by early morning. Through Guerrero’s …

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The Persecution of an Activist

Will Hazlitt, Press Officer North American ANimal Liberation Press Office If we are not careful soon will be gone  the days when absolute and true free speech rules. In every way restrictions are being placed on speech. Only political speech and language seems to be exempt from these limitations. The political language of the elites …

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Nicoal R. Sheen: ‘We are the voice for those behind the mask’

The Examiner May 13, 2013 By: Jeannette Smith “As of March 2013 we have removed and destroyed approximately 200 fur traps in Ontario. The traps were snares and Conibears intended to murder beaver, rabbits and other innocents. Tragically we were too late for two rabbits and one raccoon, whose bodies and internal organs had already …

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xVx What It Means To Me xVx- by Walter Bond

[Walter Bond is an imprisoned Animal Liberation Front operative who in the Summer of 2010 was arrested for the A.L.F. Lone Wolf arsons of the Sheepskin Factory in Denver, Colorado, the Tandy Leather Factory in Salt Lake City, Utah and Tiburon Restaurant in Sandy, Utah. On February 11, 2011, Bond was sentenced to 5 years in …

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Political Prison- by Walter Bond

[Walter Bond is an imprisoned Animal Liberation Front operative who in the Summer of 2010 was arrested for the A.L.F. Lone Wolf arsons of the Sheepskin Factory in Denver, Colorado, the Tandy Leather Factory in Salt Lake City, Utah and Tiburon Restaurant in Sandy, Utah. On February 11, 2011, Bond was sentenced to 5 years in …

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Branded for Animal Rights

                        video: The moment the brand hits my skin, I can’t help but think of them. Him cramped in a metal cell, absolutely terrified, the barrel of a gun to his temple. Her crying out as her child is ripped away from her …

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Hunters are terrorists of animal world

by Gary Yourofsky, Press Officer North American Animal Liberation Press Office Before I refute every hunting lie ever espoused, let me begin with a quote from the great philosopher Pythagoras: “As long as humanity continues to be the ruthless destroyer of other beings, we will never know health or peace. For as long as people …

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