Received anonymously: When dead dogs were found in disgusting cages, activists decided to liberate the remaining live sick dogs. In total 12 dogs have been liberated, receiving medical attention, and hope to be re homed when fully recovered. until all are free
Category: Communiqués
Nov 07
12 Dogs Liberated
Nov 05
Butcher and Pet Shops Sabotaged in Greece
Received anonymously, from Athens Indymedia (translation): On Friday, November 3 we painted butcher shops and pet shops in the areas of Perama and Keratsini within the framework of the International Week of Action Against Speciesism 10/30 – 11/05. In the face of the normalized vulgarity behind the trade in innocent and murdered animals for every use, from …
Nov 04
Vivisection Laboratories Targeted in Germany
received anonymously: we followed the call for the anti-speciesist actionweek and visited the max-delbrück-centrum, the charite and the humboldt-university to leave some messages. with stickers, flyers, posters and graffiti we demanded the end of animal exploitation by those institutions. the max-delbrück-centrum is the biggest facility for vivisection in berlin. the charite and the humboldt-university support …
Nov 02
Butcher Shop Windows Destroyed by Explosive Device (Montevideo, Uruguay)
Received anonymously (translation by Earth First! Journal): Before dawn on November 1st, we used explosive artifacts to destroy the windows of a butcher shop in Montevideo; we also glued their locks shut, simply because animals are not to be fucked with. We frame this action within the ‘Global Week of Antispeciest Actions’ We reaffirm the need …
Nov 01
100 Chickens Liberated, Farm Sabotaged (UK) Received anonymously, from Unoffensive Animal (view video above or here): Under the International Week of Action Against Speciesism, an egg-laying chicken farm in the north UK was sabotaged. Owned by James Potter, this farm supplies to main supermarkets around the country telling the fallacy of ‘free range’ as somewhat ‘not cruel’. One hundred chickens were freed from …
Nov 01
24 Hens Rescued from Poultry Farm (Czech Republic)
Report from (click here for more photos from the rescue): Open rescue XXXV (October 2017) & Support Lucy a Ethel Rain and mud. I dropped Lukas and our anonymous friend close to poultry farm and I drove on to park at suitable place which was about three kilometers from there. After that I went to them. …
Oct 31
Fake Blood Poured on Meat Shop Doorway (Sweden)
Received anonymously: 2 people poured fake blood on the doorsteps of a meat shop in Lund called Widerbergs Kött AB We put up two signs with the text ‘Alla djur känner. Alla djur tänker. Alla djur blöder’ Translation is ‘all animals Feel, all animals Think, all animals bleed’ This place has been open a long time …
Oct 30
30 Meat Trucks Sabotaged in Norena (Spain)
Received anonymously: 30 trucks parked at the Central Slaughterhouse of Asturias in Noreña were covered in graffiti early in the morning of October 29. According to news reports, the painted messages included “Meat is Murder” and “The bread for your children is stained with the blood of innocents.” In addition, graffiti was painted on the …
Oct 27
ALF/ELF Liberates Dozens of Animals from Vivisection Lab in Chile
During the first week in October, the ALF/ELF liberated dozens of rodents from a laboratory at the University of Chile in Santiago. Anonymous report (translation by Earth First! Journal): As is already public knowledge, we entered into the animal torture center located in the Ecology Department of the University of Chile on the Juan Gómez Milla …