Received anonymously, from Unoffensive Animal (click here for video from the action): Two individuals saved. And several million still captive of the speciesist system. Even if for these two persons there, everything is changed. This oppressive system was not impacted by it. Speciesist, capitalist, oligarchical, sexist, homophobic, racist, proslavery, pollutant, and plenty other adjectives that should make …
Category: Communiqués
Aug 27
Chicken Slaughterhouse Damaged (Switzerland)
Received anonymously, from Unoffensive Animal: Between the night of the 25th August and the 26th, after the Geneva March for the End of Speciesism that took place in numerous cities around the globe, some radical activists decided to take action against the slaughterhouse of Perly that murders 8,000 chickens every week. We destroyed the furnitures: the …
Aug 26
Fur Shop Stickered (Sweden)
Aug 25
Crow Liberated from Trap (Italy)
Translation of an anonymous report on (click here for video from the action): A carrion crow has been released from a trap cage and the cage destroyed. The crow was taken to a recovery center due to its poor condition. Now, after recovery, the bird flies free in the sky, its place.
Aug 24
Lynx Trap Smashed in Sweden
Aug 23
Hunting Tower Toppled by ALF (Sweden)
Received anonymously: We saw this hunting tower near were we live, tried to find it in the night but couldn’t see it, went out another night and finally found it. The anger was huge so we totally sabotaged and took it down. We also left a message to the hunters. Let them now that they …
Aug 23
Fishing Shop Windows Smashed (UK)
Received anonymously from Unoffensive Animal: Any business profiting from the speciesist system is a target. Last night we headed to the local fishing shop and left some beautiful marks on the windows with a hammer. We hope it makes the owner realise we will be paying as many visits as needed until they close down. As …
Aug 21
5000 Mink Liberated in Hjo, Sweden
Received anonymously (click here for video from the action): On the 19th of August activists entered a fur farm during a protest in Hjo, Sweden. 5000 mink were freed from their cages and so far no one has been charged for the action. Activists covered the farmers home in stickers to remind him that someone will always …
Aug 20
Rabbit Liberated by ALF (UK)
Received anonymously from Unoffensive Animal: In Derbyshire on Tuesday the 14th August a rabbit was liberated from solitary confinement in a hutch much too small that hadn’t been cleaned out for god knows how long. There was urine and inches of faeces all over it – all this coupled with the warm weather creates perfect conditions …
Aug 14
ALF Liberates 13 Chickens and Ducks (UK)
Received anonymously from Unoffensive Animal: In the middle of the night and after making sure that the farmer and the dog were fast asleep, we accessed a rare breed bird farm. From golden pheasants to peacocks, any kind of bird that could be purchased as an ornament for a garden somewhere in a posh house was …
Aug 13