Category: Communiqués

Sabotage Before Meeting about Genetically Modified Animals (Spain)

Received anonymously from ContraMadriz (translation): Tuesday, November 27, the day before the start of the course ‘introduction to research on genetically modified animals’ that took place at the official veterinary school in Madrid, the door of the building was glued, the facade and ground were painted, and posters against genetic research were pasted. The State has been …

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Sabotage on Behalf of Wild Lynx (Sweden)

Received anonymously: Västmanlands länsstyrelse (Västmanlands county administrative) have allowed hunting on two lynx next spring. There are very few lynx left in Sweden, this only got allowed because of the amount of hunters that are politicians/manipulate politicians. We glued 4 locks and covered one of the entrances with red paint. We will attack them plenty …

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ELF/ALF Propaganda in Memory of Fallen Warrior (Chile)

Received anonymously from contra info (translation): As was already announced, the first coordinated statement from the ALF/ELF in Temuco, $hile. December 11, 2018, exactly 5 years since the death of Sebastián Oversluij in combat. This coordination is a minimal tribute to his memory. On the night of December 11 our hearts and minds turned to another anniversary …

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ALF Attacks Fur Shop in Birmingham (UK)

Received anonymously from Unoffensive Animal: Reindeer fur seller Birmingham Xmas market. Attacked with red paint by ALF

Chickens Liberated from Research Farm (Argentina)

Received anonymously: Chickens were liberated from a research farm at an agricultural university in Argentina. The facility was also damaged. Spanish: Liberación de ‘gallinas y pollos’, y destrozos en la universidad de agronomía. No nos quedamos inmóviles ante la explotación animal, sobre todo cuando predomina el veganismo de dieta o pasivo. Hay explotación de animales …

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Fur Shop Vandalized by ALF in Gothenburg (Sweden)

Received anonymously: Two angels, a shop that sells fur in Gothenburg, had their windows sprayed with red and locks and windows glued the night between 14-15 december. Fur is never fashion! Fuck fur #alf

22 Hens Liberated (Sweden)

Received anonymously (click here to view video from the rescue): 22 hens liberated in Sweden

1000 Mink Liberated from Fur Farm in Cella di Noceto (Parma, Italy)

According to media reports, hundreds of cages were opened at a fur farm in Cella di Noceto (Parma) during the night of December 6-7. As many as 1,000 mink escaped into the surrounding countryside.

Hunting Towers Toppled (Sweden)

Received anonymously: 8th December Four towers were totally sabotaged in the forests of Sweden. Hunters hate when we do this, it makes it more difficult and more expensive for them to continue with their sick fucking ‘hobby’. The hunt is on them! DEFEND ANIMALS

5 Guinea Pigs Liberated (Midlands, UK)

Received anonymously from Unoffensive Animal: 9th December, Midlands UK Five guinea pigs liberated from filthy conditions with little food, no water and obvious signs of mites. We had recieved a tip off they were being kept, killed and served up on a speciality menu at a pub ran by hunters. All are now safe from harm …

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Locks Glued at Fur Shops (Sweden)

Received anonymously: ‘Viva Nilla’ and ‘Scandinavian Sportsmen’, two different shops in Sweden that sells the fur from tortured animals recently got their locks glued. Death to all animal abusers! We won’t stop until all are free. DEFEND ANIMALS!

ALF Destroys Hunting Towers in France

Received anonymously: Several hunting towers were destroyed in Seine-et-Marne, and a message– “The ALF will return”– was written on the ground using pieces of the towers.

Hunting Towers, Lynx Trap Destroyed (Sweden)

Received anonymously: On the night of the 17th november 4 hunting towers and a lynx trap were destroyed in Sweden. Execute the hunter scum! DEFEND ANIMALS

McDonald’s Vandalized (Sweden)

Received anonymously: A Mc Donalds in Helsingborg, Sweden got its toilet vandalized. Messages were left on the walls, the door and the mirror; ‘Death to all animal abusers’, ‘Meat is murder’ and ‘Mc Murder’. SPEAK UP FOR ANIMALS! FUCK THE SYSTEM! FUCK MC MURDER!

Hunting Towers Destroyed (Sweden)

Received anonymously: Some hunting towers were toppled and annihilated by a couple of members from the HSS (Hunt Sabs Sweden). Anti-hunting messages and a painting were left on the towers and a nearby concrete wall. There are still some towers left so expect us to be back! Fuck hunters!